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ENJOY the BLESSING of a FERTILE FIELD covered with the DEW of HEAVEN [Sermon Note]

Pastor Stephanie

The Word of God is so powerful that the blessings that was pronounced will be manifested.

Jacob treasured His spiritual birth right.

When we treasure our spiritual birth right, our Abba Father is pleased with us.


So he brought it near to him, and he ate; and he brought him wine,

and he drank. Then his FATHER Isaac said to him, “COME NEAR now and KISS me,



And he came NEAR (CLOSE) and KISSED him; and he smelled the SMELL of his CLOTHING, and BLESSED him and SAID : “Surely, the smell of my son Is like the smell of a FIELD Which the LORD has BLESSED.

Today, we wear the robe of righteousness.

When we come close to Abba Father, He smells the righteousness of Jesus as our clothing.

The righteous are blessed.

Jesus is the most blessed man in Heaven and on Earth.


Therefore may God give you Of the DEW of HEAVEN, of the FATNESS (RICHNESS) of the earth, and PLENTY (ABUNDANCE) of grain and BOUNTIFUL new wine.

Jesus being the first born of the New Creation.

H5401 kiss

Original: נשׁק

Transliteration: nâshaq

Phonetic: naw-shak'

BDB Definition:

to put together,

to kiss

to touch gently

to handle, be equipped with

to kindle, burn

to make a fire, burn

Strong's Definition: to catch fire:- burn, kindle.

In the kissing, there is fire. Holy fire.


God is a Spirit: and they that WORSHIP HIM must WORSHIP HIM m in spirit and in truth.

We worship Him in tongues.

G4352 worship

Original: προσκυνέω

Transliteration: proskuneō

Phonetic: pros-koo-neh'-o

Thayer Definition:

to kiss the hand to (towards) one, in token of reverence

Strong's Definition: From G4314 and probably a derivative of G2965

-(meaning to kiss, like a dog licking his master's hand); to fawn or crouch to, that is, prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore):- worship.

In tongues, we speak adoration and praises to God.

Worship is kissing towards our Abba Father.

The new heart and new spirit man can worship God.

God only accept the worship from our new spirit man.

Sing forth in tongues, the language that surpasses human language.

We are drawing near to Him when we worship Him.

Come near to the throne of grace and mercy.

We can worship near and not from afar.

God is raising an armies of worshippers.

Our spirit are drawing near to Him.

Spiritually kiss our Abba Father.

God will reveal to us secrets.

Closeness of Father and Son to the extend of kissing.

Go draw near to our Heavenly Father and hear Him whisper to us.

He speaks with a still small voice.

Jesus seated at the right hand of the Father.

We worship Him in spirit and in truth.


The king's wrath is as the roaring of a lion; but his FAVOUR is as DEW upon the grass.

God wants us to recognise that He is King.

He is super duper rich.

He will release finances and desires that we have to us.

More blessings to come to us.

Queen Esther had the favour of the King.

Favour is special liking.

Favour is like dew, always there and will never run out because we are sons and daughters of God.

H2919 DEW

Original: טל

Transliteration: ṭal

Phonetic: tal

dew, night mist From H2926; dew (as COVERING vegetation):- dew.


Original: טלל

Transliteration: ṭâlal

Phonetic: taw-lal'

to cover with a roof, cover over,

to strew over, that is, (by implication) to cover in or plate (with beams):- cover.

Tet - Speaks of the goodness of God

Goodness of God will cover us all the days of our lives.

PSALM 133:1-3 NKJV

It is like the DEW of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion; For THERE the LORD COMMANDED the BLESSING — LIFE FOREVERMORE.

We are already covered with the favour of the King.

We have the commanded blessings.

God has commanded blessings over us. He has given us life forever.

When He has commanded the blessings, He will not take it back.

Nobody can nullify it because the blessings has gone forth.


Original: מן

Transliteration: mân

Phonetic: mawn


the bread from Heaven that fed the Israelites for 40 years of wilderness wanderings

means 'What is it?'

Speak forth the blessings and it will be manifested.

Faithfulness of God covers the whole wilderness.


So He humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with MANNA which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man LIVES by EVERY WORD that PROCEEDS from the MOUTH of the LORD.

We live by every Word Of God.

The dew is our provision.

No need to worry about our provision anymore.

H4924 RICHNESS or FATNESS of the earth

Original: משׁמן

Transliteration: mashmân

Phonetic: mash-mawn'

fatness, fat piece, fertile place, richly prepared food

oil, olive oil

stout, vigorous


From H8080; FAT, that is, fatness; but usually a RICH DISH, a FERTILE FIELD, a ROBUST MAN:- fat (one, -ness, -test, -test place).

to shine, that is, be (causatively make) oily or gross:- become (make, wax) fat.

Receive revelation from God and the soil will be able to bear fruit.

Seed will not drop on dry places.

It will fall on good soil.

H8492 new wine

Original: תּירשׁ תּירושׁ

Transliteration: tı̂yrôshtı̂yrôsh

Strong's Definition: From H3423 in the sense of expulsion; must or fresh grape juice (as just squeezed out); by implication (rarely) fermented wine:- (new, sweet) wine.


Original: ירשׁ ירשׁ

Transliteration: yârashyârêsh

Phonetic: yaw-rash'

- to OCCUPY (be driving out previous tenants, and possessing in their place); by implication to SEIZE, to rob, to INHERIT; also to expel, to impoverish, to ruin:- cast out, consume, destroy, disinherit, dispossess, drive (-ing) out, enjoy, expel, X without fail, (give to, leave for) inherit (-ance, -or), + magistrate, be (make) poor, come to poverty, (give to, make to) possess, get (have) in (take) possession, seize upon, succeed, X utterly.

When we drink this new wine, we can occupy and drive out the Devil.

Our seed will produce prosperity. ZECHARIAH 8:11-12 AMPC

But NOW [in this period since you began to build] -

I am not to the remnant of this people as in the former days, says the Lord of hosts.

For THERE shall

-the SEED produce PEACE and PROSPERITY;

-the VINE shall yield her FRUIT


-the GROUND shall give its INCREASE and

-the HEAVENS shall give their DEW;

and I will cause the remnant of this people to INHERIT and POSSESS ALL THESE THINGS.


THANK YOU ABBA FATHER that IN CHRIST my life is like a FERTILE FIELD Covered with:-

-the DEW of HEAVEN

-the RICHNESS of the earth and

-the ABUNDANT HARVESTS of grain and BOUNTIFUL new wine.



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