Faith is built on Truth.
Truth is supported by credible evidence.
Faith in unsupported tales is more akin to superstition.
FAITH is built on GOD HIMSELF and WHO HE IS.
Hermeneutics, the study of the general principles of biblical interpretation.
Biblical hermeneutics is the study of the principles of interpreting God’s Word.
Scripture alone is the sole rule and norm for faith and life.
Being the very Word of God in written form, the reformer also maintained that “SCRIPTURE INTERPRETS SCRIPTURE” which means that the BIBLE is IT'S OWN INTERPRETER.
This is a profound concept to be sure.
But here is an even deeper truth:
Scripture not only interprets itself but also interprets us.
As we READ and HEAR the Scriptures, the HOLY SPIRIT convicts us of our sin and then points us to Christ so we can be comforted by the Gospel.
“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).
As Martin Luther wrote, “the Bible is the manger in which Christ is laid.”
This is why we take great care when approaching the text of Holy Scripture, coming before God’s Word in deep humility, and not believing that our 21st-century ideas and interpretations are somehow more enlightened.
Holy Scripture was given by God and inspired by the HOLY SPIRIT to reveal DIVINE TRUTH to fallen man.
But this is not just another set of divine “truths” to follow.
This is the REVELATION of TRUTH itself in the story of the promised Messiah and Savior of the world, the crucified and risen Lord Jesus Christ.
As Martin Luther wrote, “the Bible is the manger in which Christ is laid.”
So what do we really mean when we say “SCRIPTURE INTERPRETS SCRIPTURE?”
In short, it means that as we engage in hermeneutics (the art of interpretation), we interpret the implicit by the explicit and the cloudy through the clear.
Explicit describes something that is very clear and without
vagueness or ambiguity.
Implicit often functions as the opposite, referring to something that is understood, but not described clearly or directly, and often using implication or assumption.
To help remember, explicit things are explained, implicit things are implied.
The clear passages of Scripture that speak of justification by grace through faith in Christ (the central theme of the Bible) are used to interpret more difficult passages.
Here are two key phrases to keep in mind in the pursuit of faithful biblical interpretation.
“Context is king,” and, “a text without a context is a pretext.”
What we strive to do is allow the context of a given passage to help dictate how we interpret it.
We begin with the immediate context of the phrase or sentence, then move to the paragraph, then the chapter, and then the book.
Finally, because Christ himself claims all of Scripture as a testimony to himself, we allow the Old Testament to be interpreted in light of the New Testament, and vice versa (Luke 24:44).
As St. Augustine famously said, “The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed, the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed.”
As a hermeneutic approach, "Scripture interprets Scripture" is the idea that we should read a passage in the light of the entire Bible.
2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17 TPT
God has transmitted his very substance into EVERY Scripture, for it is GOD-BREATHED.
It will EMPOWER you by -
• giving you the strength to TAKE the RIGHT DIRECTION and LEAD you DEEPER into the path of godliness.
Then you will be GOD’S servant, FULLY MATURE and PERFECTLY PREPARED to FULFILL any assignment GOD gives you.
Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a WORKMAN [tested by trial] who has no reason to be ashamed, ACCURATELY HANDLING and SKILLFULLY TEACHING the WORD of TRUTH.
Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O LORD GOD of TRUTH.
Original: אמת
Transliteration: 'EMETH
Phonetic: eh'-meth
BDB Definition:
firmness, faithfulness, truth
sureness, reliability
stability, continuance
faithfulness, reliableness
Strong's Definition: Contracted from H539; stability; figuratively certainty, truth, trustworthiness :- assured
(-ly), establishment, faithful, right, sure, true (-ly, -th), verity.
EMETאֶמֶת is the Hebrew Noun translated into English as TRUTH, Reality, Fact, Actuality, Reliability, Sureness, Firmness, Faith, Faithfulness…
It comes from the Primitive 3-letter Verb Root AMANאָמַן; to Confirm, Support, be Faithful, Trust, Believe…
The original Hebrew Aleph-bet was Pictographic.
The Picture Symbols illustrated the abstract meanings.
Amenאָמֵן is the adverb derived from Aman אָמַן,
• It is used to Confirm our prayers, meaning Verily, Truly, May it Be So…
The Alephאָ , Mem מַ, Nun ן, illustrate this REALITY:
ALEPH אָ is the OX HEAD, representing Strength, Power, Controller, Leader, Teacher, Master, First, Elohim…
MEM מַ is the WATER, representing Liquid, Blood, Wine, Milk, Massive amount, Nations, Chaos, Raging, to Come From, Living Water, Messiah; Torah…
NUN ן is the SEED, representing Fish, Sperm, Seed, Son, Offspring, Heir, Sprouting, Activity, Continuing, Life…
The word emet comes from a verb (aman) that means to support or make firm, and expresses the image of strong arms of a parent supporting the helpless infant.
Truth stands in active relation to the one who is supposed to know it and "carries the burden," so to speak, by being the foundation of one's existence.
Ox Head / Strong
Water / Liquid
Continued Life
The Aleph אֶ, Mem מֶ, Tavת , illustrates Strong – Water.
We see this 2-letter Root in the Hebrew Word forאֵם EM, meaning Mother.
Strong – Water sounds like a description of Glue.
Like a Faithful Mother Holding her Family Together, or the Mother’s Womb holding the Strong, Water, that brings forth Life.
To form the word,
Emet אֶמֶת, Truth, –
the last letter of the 3- letter Root,
Aman אָמַן changes from nun to tav:
Tav is a picture of Crossed Sticks, a Cross, a Seal, a Mark, a Sign, a Monument, a Signature, representing a Covenant, to Join, Ownership, Proof, of being Finished, Truth…
Strong – Water – Covenant
The Aleph and Tav are also the First and Last letters of the Hebrew Aleph-bet:
ISAIAH 44:6; 48:12
Thus saysיְהוָֹה YHVH, the King and Redeemer of Israel,יְהוָֹה YHVH of Hosts:
“I Am the First and I Am the Last, and there is no God but Me.
I AM the Alpha (Aleph) and the Omega (Tav) the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End,
These two verses connect the Hebrew euphemism to our Creator, *YHVH, Who Is the Aleph and the Tav, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, the I Am.
*YHVH is our Salvation, יְהוֹשׁוּעַ Yehoshua.
This original Hebrew Name is translated from the Greek Iésous into English as Jesus), Exodus 3:14.
The Aleph and Tav, Et אֵ֥ת, encompass the entirety of the Living, Active, Everlasting, Complete, Torah of *YHVH.
His purpose and His salvation.
It’s Faithful, Unchanging, Steadfast, and Loyal,
– is like a Mother; Strong – Water.
A Sign Strong enough for the children of *YHVH
• to put their TRUST IN,
• and to be Faithful in Truth in return,
• to the True Words of our Eternal Creator.
Only then will WE NOT BE DECEIVED, as those who turn aside to Lies.
Blessed is the man who HAS MADE יְהוָֹה *YHVH / to Exist (הָיָה Hayah) his TRUST, who has not turned to the proud, nor to those who turn aside to Lies!
In Hebrew, the word for TRUTH, EMET (אֱמֶת), contains the FIRST, MIDDLE, and the LAST letter of the Hebrew alphabet, indicating that TRUTH ENCOMPASSES ALL THINGS and ENDURES from the BEGINNING (א) to the END (ת):
PSALMS 119:142 KJV
Thy righteousness is an EVERLASTING righteousness, And THY LAW is THE TRUTH.
JOHN 17:17 KJV
Sanctify them through thy truth: THY WORD is TRUTH.
And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and TRUTH,
And ye shall KNOW the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall make you FREE.
Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness.
LAW/GOD'S WORD (instructions) = TRUTH = FREEDOM
Emet is a Hebrew name meaning “truth”.
This name is a powerful reminder of the importance of honesty, integrity, and authenticity.
In Jewish culture, Emet is a name that is often given to children who are believed to possess these qualities, and who are dedicated to living a life of truth and righteousness.