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1.   WHY do you need to have Faith?

Isn't Grace enough?

How we want to live in this life in the world? In physical life we need food, we need to work to get some money to buy this food, so that we won't go hungry and die

Why is our spirit man important?

What is the main difference between physical man and spirit man?

Spirit man is forever and physical man is temporary

If you grow this spirit man, you will live like God. As He is, so are we in this world

We want to live like Jesus lived! Where we are always connected to God, think like God. Live without fear

What is the ingredient we need?



For by grace you have been saved by faith.

Nothing you did could ever earn this salvation,

for it was the love gift from God that brought us to Christ!


I mean that you have been saved by grace because you believe.

You did not save yourselves.

It was a gift from God.

Faith is love gift from God. Not how charitable we are.

Grace is getting the good that we don't deserve


For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from FAITH to FAITH; as it is written,

“The JUST shall LIVE by FAITH.”


But WITHOUT FAITH it is IMPOSSIBLE to [walk with God and] please Him,

for whoever COMES [near] to GOD must [necessarily] - BELIEVE:-

•⁠  ⁠that God exists and

•⁠  ⁠that He rewards those who [earnestly and diligently] SEEK HIM.

When a person act in faith, God will honour that faith

2.  WHAT is FAITH?

Faith is translated from the Greek word pistis.

“‘firm persuasion,’ a conviction based upon hearing” (Vine).

“The word faith (pistis) in the New Testament can mean belief, trust, fidelity, firm persuasion, or firm conviction.

Words is a form of communication and it is very important

Jesus said His Words are spirit and life!

If you eat His Word you have life! Sickness will disappear! The fear will be gone!

It is sometimes employed to signify the act or state of the mind which we commonly call belief…” (Dan King, Commentary on Hebrews).

4102/pistis ("faith") for the believer is "GOD'S DIVINE PERSUASION " –

and therefore distinct from human belief (confidence), yet involving it.


In it the righteousness of God is revealed, from TRUST to TRUST.

As it is written, “But the righteous shall LIVE by EMUNAH.”


But My righteous one shall LIVE by EMUNAH;

and if he shrinks back, My soul takes no pleasure in him.”

The moment we got saved, we are set apart from this world thinking and way of life.

The Hebrew word, 'EMUNAH,' is translated as faith in English.

Emunah is a word that is rich in nuance and significance.

So, what does it mean to have faith?

Is it merely intellectual or something more?

The Root of 'Emunah'

The word itself comes from the root word "AMAN," which is translated in various ways: believe, assurance, faithful, sure, established, trust, and even one who carries and cares for someone like a parent or nurse.

These translations each capture a facet of what it means to truly have faith—to have Emunah.

Definitions from Strong's Concordance:

A primitive root; properly, to build up or support; to foster as a parent or nurse; to be permanent or quiet; morally to be true or certain.

To support, confirm, be faithful

To foster as a parent or nurse

To be established, made firm, sure, lasting

"And he BELIEVED (AMAN) the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness." – Genesis 15:6

Wisdom Encoded: The Ancient Hebrew Letters

The Hebrew letters that compose 'Emunah'אמונה) ) are more than mere symbols; they are a blueprint, a guide, and they tell a story.

They ask us to explore the WHO, WHAT,

and HOW of our faith.

This isn't poetic metaphor; this is deeply encoded wisdom from God.

Breaking Down Emunah through Ancient Pictographs

ALEPHא) ): An ox head, symbolizing God as our strong leader.

God is One, the Source, the Unity.

MEMמ) ): Water, symbolizing chaos and the unknown.

VAVו) ): A nail or peg, symbolizing Christ who secures us and the connection between Heaven and Earth.

NUNנ) ): A sprouting seed, symbolizing new life and faithfulness.

HEYה) ): A man with arms raised, symbolizing revelation and awe.

In our lives, we don't know our future. Faith - first is God. Understanding of God first, second thing is about the future. We don't know what is going to happen tomorrow.

There is chaos in this whole world

We are connected to Christ. If you don't subscribe to wifi, are you able to receive the connection?

The system already set up.

God, the heavenly realm is already available to every believers because of Jesus Christ.

We need to take and plug in to our own spirit

If we don't plug in, are we able to get connected?

Are you connected to God? Instead of just wifi

You want this new life, this spirit life to grow and prosper?

Anything we do in faith, we will receive heavenly revelation

The United Message of 'Emunah'

When we look at the ancient pictographs for Emunah—each

letter carries its own significance.

•⁠  ⁠ALEPH represents God as our Chief,

•⁠  ⁠MEM signifies the unknowns that require faith,

•⁠  ⁠VAV embodies Christ who secures us,

•⁠  ⁠NUN represents the promise of new life, and

•⁠  ⁠HEY speaks of God revealing Himself to us.

It's not just knowing God exists; it's living in a trusting relationship

with Him.

Abraham's Journey: The First Mention of 'Emunah'

Abraham, known as the father of faith, demonstrated what it means to have faith in God.

His relationship with God was one of TRUST—TRUST that God would fulfill His promises.

Abraham was a man who trusted God's promise and was willing to step out in faith.

And God reckoned this trust as righteousness.

"In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." – James 2:17

There is an action for faith in healing

Real faith is active trust, not passive!

Active means there is action

Just like Abraham trusted in God's promises, Emunah calls

us into an active, trusting relationship with God.

Real faith—Emunah—is ACTIVE TRUST.

It isn't just acknowledging facts.

It's about walking hand-in-hand with the God who’s woven His intentions and love into the very language we use to describe our relationship with Him.

Active Trust: A Personal Challenge

To believe in God is one thing, but to trust in His promises is another.

Trust implies an active relationship, a faith that impacts the way we live.

So here's the challenge:

what areas in your life are you holding back from God?

Can you, today, choose to trust His promises?

WHAT does it mean by "taking a step of faith"?

When we TAKE a STEP of FAITH, we are essentially walking in Abraham's footsteps, leaning on God as a child leans on a parent or nurse.

Just as Abraham trusted God as his "foster-father," so too do we lean into a trusting relationship with our heavenly Father.

In giving we will receive more

Where is the faith if we don't act

No action means we don't trust. Trust requires action

3.   HOW to have faith?

Hearing Through the WORD:


"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ."

Here, the word "hearing" beautifully layers with Emunah.

IT'S NOT PASSIVE LISTENING but an ACTIVE TURNING of our HEARTS toward the promises God has spoken over us.

We need to be very attentive and listen carefully

Listen to obey

God's leadership (Aleph) takes root in our lives,

•⁠  ⁠guiding us through chaos (Mem),

•⁠  ⁠securing us in Christ (Vav),

•⁠  ⁠planting seeds of faith (Nun), and

•⁠  ⁠revealing Himself to us (Hey).

The Solid Ground of 'Emunah'

In studying the depths of the word 'Emunah,' it becomes apparent that faith isn't about simply 'knowing' but about 'living.'

It's not about doctrines but about an intimate relationship

with God that permeates every aspect of our lives.

Faith is a gift (Nun: A sprouting seed),

•⁠  ⁠but it is also a responsibility,

•⁠  ⁠a trust (Aleph: God as our leader),

•⁠  ⁠and it can be the bedrock on which we build our lives

(Mem: Water, the unknown, the chaos we navigate through).




Now FAITH is the ASSURANCE (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed),

and THE EVIDENCE of THINGS NOT SEEN [the conviction of their reality—

FAITH COMPREHENDS as FACT what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].


The fundamental fact of existence is that this TRUST in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes LIFE WORTH LIVING.

It’s our handle on what we can’t see.

The ACT of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd.


Faith means BEING SURE of the things we hope for.

And faith means KNOWING that something is REAL even if we do not see it.


Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for.

It is ALL the EVIDENCE required to prove what is still unseen.

4.  WHAT or WHO is  the object of our faith?

God sees your faith as evidence.

Faith of any kind itself must have an object--whether it is (minimally) the truth status of a proposition or (in more Biblical terms) a positive TRUST in the character, purposes, and love of the LORD God Almighty....

Though necessarily every person alive (including the most jaded atheist) decidedly lives by faith of some kind, the very concept that faith can be "blind" is nonsensical and even absurd. 

In fact, those who speak this way are often using a weak-minded rhetorical device rather than taking the effort to think clearly.

On the other hand, those who flippantly speak of a "leap of faith" do indeed have in mind some object of belief;

however, this object they summarily dismiss as unworthy of the exercise of psychological risk... 

To such a hardened soul, faith beyond the empirical requires a "leap," by which is meant an abandonment of the rational mind. 

The term emunah (translated as "faith" in many English translations) occurs for the first time in the Torah in connection with Abraham (Gen. 15:6).

What was the nature of Abraham's faith that God reckoned it as tzedakah ("righteousness)"? 

Abraham did not encounter God as a Platonic Idea or an Aristotelian Unmoved Mover....

No, the context (the promise to the old man that he would be father of a multitude of nations) makes it clear that Abraham was declared tzaddik (righteous) because he TRUSTED  in GOD to DO what He SAID. 

The word emunah itself comes from aman, which means to SECURELY TRUST or RELY UPON (and from which we get the word "Amen"). 

Abraham believed in a future state of affairs (a future-tense proposition) as EXPRESSED in his present TRUST in the PERSON and PROMISE of God.

He foresaw the redemption of the world (the Messiah) and believed in God's promise of salvation (John 8:56).

Emunah is more like faithfulness than a static state of mind

(i.e., the Greek concept of ascertaining truth).

It is more "BELIEF IN" than "belief that."

There are many who believe that there is a God, that this God created the universe, and even that this God redeemed humanity through the sacrifice of His Son,

but there are not so many who personally trust that He will keep His promises to them.... 



and EXPRESSES itself as LOYALTY to HIS WILL.  

It is a gift from God, since it presupposes God's disclosure and revelation to the person who expresses it.

It's not enough to get our doctrines correct, in terms of objective correspondence to reality (though of course that is important and should be pursued by those who have the ability).

We are called to have a VITAL RELATIONSHIP with the LORD God of Israel and

•⁠  ⁠to RELY on HIM to KEEP His promises made to us -- even in the "already-not-yet" state of our temporal circumstances. 

While 'BELIEVE' relates to accepting something as true or real,

'TRUST' focuses on having confidence, reliance, or faith in someone or something and is mostly concerned with relationships between people.

TRUST is the “firm belief in the reliability, TRUTH, ability, or strength of someone or something.”

JOHN 17:17 ICB

Make them ready for your service through your truth.


JOHN 17:17 AMP

Sanctify them in the truth [set them apart for Your purposes, make them holy];


When it is true, you trust!

TRUST becomes rock-solid through performance over time.


We EXPRESS emunah by LIVING our lives in CONSCIOUS TRUST of the Promises and Presence of the LORD.


So we SET our EYES not on what we see but on what we cannot see.

What we see will last only a short time.

But what we cannot see will last forever.

1.  WHY need faith?

2.  WHAT is faith?

3.  WHO is the object of our faith?

4.  HOW to have faith?

5.  HOW is faith expressed?

Is living and growing in FAITH IN GOD the most important thing in life for you, your children and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ?

1.Is EATING physical food the most important thing for

your physical life?

2.  Where can you and your children eat physical food?

3. Do you select the type of physical food for you and your children to eat?


1.  Is EATING spiritual food the most IMPORTANT thing for your spiritual life?

2.  Where can you and your children eat spiritual food?

3. Do you select the type of spiritual food for you and your children to eat?



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