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Pastor Stephanie

God is the one who hold all things together.

In Him all things consist.

God created our spirit man.

Our spirit man is born again the moment we accept Jesus Christ.

We operate by faith and not fear.

Be able to walk in the Spirit.

God spoke a Word and we are alive.

We are made in God's made.

God breathed into Adam His Spirit.

Adam had the same authority as God, to be a ruler of this earth.

This letters are the DNA of Jesus.

YOD - is the divine hand of God.

It speaks of spirituality.

Represent power and might.

HEI - God's breathe, the wind of God, the spirit of God.

Also a window to see through.

When we have God's spirit, the window is open to the spiritual realm.

SHIN - is the letter of fire and transformation.

VAV - Symbolised Jesus Christ nailed on the cross.

AYIN - Means eye and has to do with vision.

Ayin can see the future that's why we can prophesied.

We in Christ we know our future.

God knows our future even more.

We can see far ahead provided we read the Word.

Believers are meant to have vision.

AYIN is already inherited inside us so we are also able to see.

AYIN helps us to see beyond the physical.

AYIN is meant to take us from dark to light.

It urges us to break through the walls of limitations in order to see what is not yet visible to us.

When we believe, we will act differently and manifestation will happen.

To have our spiritual eyes to be opened.

Look at the Word.

When our spiritual eyes are open, we see Christ seated at the right hand of God.

We have dominion over sins and fear and have the victory in Christ.

Eden means pleasure.

God put us back into the Garden of Eden, which is the spiritual realm.

From the spirit we will change the situation of the physical.

Spirit man can be rejoicing if we are seeing properly.

We have a heavenly Father who will take care of us.

God's manual teach us how to create wealth and have blessings.

MEM speaks of abundance, nations, water pouring out (blessings).

When we tithe, we suddenly open our spiritual eyes to see God in our work, finances etc.

God will destroy the devourer.

He will destroy the Devil's work in our finances.

When we tithe, we are acknowledging Jesus as the highest person in our lives.

Tithing is a covenant.

Choose both - covenant and grace

Why we can transform in an instant when we received Jesus?

Because Jesus means Jehovah is salvation.

We are saying YUD, SHIN, VAV and AYIN.

YUD - Divine hand of God

SHIN - Destroy our sins

VAV - Connect us back to God in Heaven

AYIN - Our spiritual eyes are open to see Him

God's will for us is to live long and prosper.

Hebrew letters make us understand how powerful and important it is when we speak God's Word.



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