Pastor Deborah
And to another -
5. the power to work miracles.
Gift of Miracles
The spiritual gift of miracles is a special ability given by the Holy Spirit to individuals within the church.
Those with this gift have the supernatural power to perform extraordinary acts that transcend natural laws, demonstrating God’s divine intervention and authority.
The glory goes to God
It is not meant to glorify us
Individuals with the gift of miracles display a deep faith in God’s unlimited power and an openness to being used as vessels for His miraculous works.
They bring glory to God through extraordinary signs and wonders that leave a lasting impact on those who witness them.
If you know it is not you who does the miracle, if the miracle does not happen, why you feel hurt
Whether happen or does not happen, we keep on praying and lay hands on the sick.
All glory goes to Him
Example from Scripture:
Throughout the Bible, various accounts reveal the manifestation of the gift of miracles.
For example, in Acts 3:1-10, Peter and John healed a man lame from birth, showcasing the power of God to perform miraculous healings.
When the Gift is Present in the Church:
When the gift of miracles is present in the church, it serves as a powerful testimony to God’s presence and active involvement in the lives of believers.
It strengthens faith and leads others to seek a deeper relationship with God.
God is there in that place
Strengthen faith and lead a deeper relationship with God
What is after salvation? Much more!
When the Gift is Absent in the Church:
In the absence of the gift of miracles, the church may face challenges in fully demonstrating the supernatural power of God, potentially leading to doubts about His ability to intervene in extraordinary ways.
What It Looked Like in the Life of Jesus:
Jesus’ entire ministry was characterized by miracles, including healing the sick, raising the dead, and performing extraordinary acts of provision, such as feeding thousands with a few loaves and fishes.
Practical Ways to Implement and Develop the Spiritual Gift of Miracles:
Deepen Your Faith:
Cultivate a strong and unwavering faith in God’s power, believing that He can work miracles through you.
Pray for Discernment:
Seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance to discern when and how to exercise this gift, aligning your actions with God’s will.
Stay Humble:
Recognize that the gift of miracles comes from God,
not personal ability, and always point others to God’s glory.
Always point others to God. The glory belong to the Lord
Examples from Church History:
Smith Wigglesworth (1859 – 1947):
An early 20th-century evangelist and faith healer recognized for his remarkable miracles and healings during his ministry.
Are miracles always dramatic and visible events?
Miracles can take various forms, from dramatic healings to more subtle interventions that only God and the recipients may fully comprehend.
Can anyone receive the gift of miracles?
The gift of miracles is distributed by the Holy Spirit according to His will, and while some may have a specific calling for this gift, God can work through any believer to perform miracles.
Ways to Grow in the Gift:
Pursue INTIMACY with GOD:
Deepen your relationship with God through prayer, worship, and studying His Word.
Step Out in Faith:
Be open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and take opportunities to pray for God’s supernatural intervention in the lives of others.
Testify and Share:
Share testimonies of God’s miraculous works in your life and the lives of others to build faith and encouragement in the church.
It is God and not me.
Learn how to give thanks to God
Recognise God in your everyday lives
The spiritual gift of miracles serves as a testimony to
God’s power and divine presence.
Those with this gift are instruments through which God reveals His supernatural might, encouraging faith, and pointing people to His glory.
As they faithfully exercise this gift, they become channels of hope and wonder, drawing others closer to the miraculous nature of God.
And to another -
6. the gift of PROPHECY.
Gift of Prophecy
The spiritual gift of prophecy is a special ability given by the Holy Spirit to individuals within the church.
Those with this gift have the capacity to receive and proclaim messages from God, bringing forth divine revelations, exhortations, and insights for the edification and guidance of believers.
Individuals with the gift of prophecy are not fortune-tellers or psychics but serve as mouthpieces of God, speaking His truth in love and humility.
They share God’s heart, wisdom, and direction with boldness and accuracy, bringing clarity to situations and pointing others towards God’s will.
God's wisdom and direction
It needs to be vessel of gold and silver
Example from Scripture:
In 1 Corinthians 14:1-3, Paul encourages believers to eagerly desire the gift of prophecy as it builds up the church,
brings encouragement, and helps others grow in their faith.
When the Gift is Present in the Church:
When the gift of prophecy is present in the church, it serves as a powerful means of communication from God to His people.
Prophecies can provide guidance, confirmation, and encouragement, leading believers to deeper spiritual understanding and intimacy with God.
God's word is much more powerful
You have been given the most powerful weapon in the whole universe
When the Gift is Absent in the Church:
In the absence of the gift of prophecy, the church may struggle with discerning God’s specific direction and may rely more on human wisdom, potentially missing out on divine insights and guidance.
What It Looked Like in the Life of Jesus:
Jesus’ life and ministry were prophetic in nature.
He spoke with divine authority, revealing God’s character, purpose, and plan.
Jesus foretold future events, and His teachings brought spiritual truths and understanding to His followers.
Trust God that what He says is real.
Practical Ways to Implement and Develop the Spiritual Gift:
Seek Intimacy with God:
Cultivate a deep relationship with God through prayer, worship, and studying His Word, allowing yourself to be receptive to His voice.
Test and Confirm:
When receiving a prophetic message, seek discernment and confirmation through prayer and seeking counsel from mature believers.
People goes after signs and wonders, going places for prophesy
Edify and Encourage:
Use the gift of prophecy to build up and encourage others in their faith, always speaking in love and humility.
Examples from Church History:
Agabus (1st century AD):
Mentioned in the New Testament book of Acts, Agabus was a prophet who accurately predicted a famine in the region.
St. Teresa of Ávila (1515-1582):
A Carmelite nun, mystic, and Doctor of the Church, remembered for her profound spiritual writings and mystical experiences that were considered prophetic.
Is the gift of prophecy limited to predicting the future?
No, while prophecy can involve foretelling, its primary purpose is to edify, exhort, and bring understanding to God’s will and character.
How can we discern if a prophecy is truly from God?
Prophecies should align with the truths of Scripture and bear witness with the Holy Spirit in the hearts of believers.
Your spiritual mentor will have confirmation in their heart
Ways to Grow in the Gift:
Stay Grounded in Scripture:
Let God’s Word be the foundation for all prophetic messages, ensuring alignment with biblical truths.
Submit to Accountability:
Seek guidance and feedback from mature spiritual leaders to grow in the accuracy and maturity of prophetic ministry.
Pray for Boldness and Sensitivity:
Ask God for courage to share His messages boldly and sensitivity to deliver them with love and humility.
The spiritual gift of prophecy is a precious and
transformative ministry within the church.
As individuals faithfully exercise this gift, they become channels through which God communicates His heart and will, bringing revelation, encouragement, and alignment with His divine purposes.
to another -
7. discerning of spirits,
ACTS 5:1-3 TPT
Now, a man named Ananias and his wife, Sapphira,
likewise sold their farm.
They conspired to secretly keep back for themselves
a portion of the proceeds.
So when Ananias brought the money to the apostles,
it was only a portion of the entire sale.
ACTS 5:1-3 TPT
God revealed their secret to Peter, so he said to him,
“Ananias, why did you let Satan fill your heart and
make you think you could lie to the Holy Spirit?
You only pretended to give it all, yet you hid back part of the proceeds from the sale of your property to keep for yourselves.
If we are tithing, we are tithing to Him, not because we pity the pastor or the church
Gift of Discerning of Spirits:
The spiritual gift of discerning of spirits is a special ability given by the Holy Spirit to individuals within the church.
Those with this gift possess keen insight and sensitivity to discern the presence and nature of spiritual influences, whether they are from God, human, or demonic in origin.
Individuals with the gift of discerning of spirits can perceive beyond the surface and recognize the spiritual dynamics at work in various situations, people, or teachings.
They are equipped to distinguish between genuine manifestations of the Holy Spirit and deceptive or counterfeit expressions.
Example from Scripture:
In Acts 16:16-18, Paul encountered a young woman with a spirit of divination.
By discerning the spirit’s presence, Paul cast it out, setting the woman free from its influence.
When the Gift is Present in the Church:
When the spiritual gift of discerning of spirits is present in the church, it safeguards the congregation from false teachings, deceptive practices, and spiritual manipulation.
This gift plays a vital role in ensuring the purity and authenticity of spiritual experiences within the community.
When the Gift is Absent in the Church:
In the absence of the gift of discerning of spirits, the church may be susceptible to false teachings, divisive spirits, and spiritual confusion.
Lack of discernment can lead to harmful practices and hinder the growth and health of the church.
What It Looked Like in the Life of Jesus:
Jesus demonstrated the gift of discerning of spirits
during His earthly ministry.
In Mark 5:1-20, He encountered a demon-possessed man in the region of the Gerasenes.
Jesus discerned the unclean spirit’s presence and authority, ultimately delivering the man from its grip.
Practical Ways to Implement and Develop the Spiritual Gift:
Prayer and Scripture:
Seek God’s wisdom and insight through prayer and the study of His Word.
A strong biblical foundation enhances discernment.
Holy Spirit Dependency:
Rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance and revelation.
Develop sensitivity to His promptings and leading.
Mature Christian Fellowship:
Engage in fellowship with spiritually mature believers who can offer insights and mentorship in discernment.
You change the world upside down, not the world turn you upside down
Examples from Church History:
Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) – A prominent preacher and theologian of the Great Awakening, Edwards exhibited discernment in addressing false teachings and promoting genuine revival.
Smith Wigglesworth (1859-1947) – A British evangelist and healer, Wigglesworth demonstrated discernment in recognizing true spiritual manifestations during his ministry.
Does the gift of discerning of spirits only apply to spiritual matters?
While it is primarily focused on spiritual discernment,
the gift can also extend to discerning motives and intentions in human interactions.
Can discernment be misused or misinterpreted?
Yes, discernment needs to be exercised with humility and love, avoiding judgmental attitudes and using discernment responsibly.
Ways to Grow in the Gift:
Submission to God:
Stay surrendered to God’s leading and continue seeking His discernment in all aspects of life.
Practice and Feedback:
Regularly apply discernment and seek feedback from trusted spiritual mentors to grow in accuracy and understanding.
Spiritual Warfare:
Equip yourself with knowledge of spiritual warfare and the tools to combat deception and falsehoods.
And to another the gift of -
And to another the gift of -
Gift of Tongues
The spiritual gift of tongues is a special ability given by the Holy Spirit to individuals within the church.
Those with this gift have the unique capability to speak in languages they have not learned, whether earthly or heavenly, enabling them to communicate with God and potentially edify the body of believers through interpretation.
Individuals with the gift of tongues possess a spiritual connection with God and a desire to express their devotion to Him in a distinctive way.
When they exercise this gift, they speak in unknown tongues as prompted by the Holy Spirit, allowing them to pray, praise, and worship God in a manner that transcends their normal linguistic abilities.
Examples from Scripture:
In Acts 2:1-4, on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples, and they began speaking in tongues.
This event marked the beginning of the church’s empowerment through the Holy Spirit.
He knows how to direct our lives
When tongues is spiritual language, the best language to communicate with God
Examples from Scripture:
In Acts 2:1-4, on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples, and they began speaking in tongues.
This event marked the beginning of the church’s empowerment through the Holy Spirit.
Prayer language and gift of tongues
When the Gift is Present in the Church:
It enhances worship and prayer experiences,
allowing individuals to communicate with God on a profound, spiritual level.
It can also lead to the edification and encouragement of the congregation through the interpretation of tongues, bringing insight and clarity to the messages conveyed.
When the Gift is Absent in the Church:
In the absence of the gift of tongues, the church may miss out on a unique and intimate way of communing with God.
Practical Ways to Implement and Develop the Spiritual Gift:
Cultivate a Spiritually Rich Prayer Life:
Spend time in prayer, seeking a deeper connection with God and opening yourself to His promptings.
Be Open to the Holy Spirit’s Leading:
Be attentive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life, allowing Him to guide you in exercising the gift of tongues.
Participate in Corporate Worship:
Engage in worship settings where speaking in tongues is encouraged and practiced, seeking to grow in your expression of this gift.
Let the spirit of God sing through us
Should everyone in the church possess the gift of tongues? –
The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit distributes gifts as He wills (1 Corinthians 12:11).
While all believers are filled with the Holy Spirit, not everyone will necessarily receive the gift of tongues.
(as a message from God to the people)
Is the gift of tongues the same as xenoglossy
(speaking a known language without prior knowledge)? –
The spiritual gift of tongues involves speaking in unknown languages, while xenoglossy refers to the phenomenon of speaking a language a person has not learned, often observed in specific neurological or paranormal contexts.
Ways to Grow in the Gift of Tongues:
Spend time in prayer:
Set aside dedicated time each day to pray, creating a habit of communion with God.
Start with a few minutes and gradually increase the duration, allowing for deeper connection and intimacy with the Lord.
Incorporate Different Forms of Prayer:
Explore various prayer styles, such as intercession, thanksgiving, confession, and contemplation.
Trying different approaches will keep your prayer life fresh and help you connect with God in diverse ways.
Seek Guidance from Scripture:
Let the BIBLE be your guide in prayer.
MEDITATE on Scripture,
PRAY through the Psalms, and USE GOD’S WORD as a foundation for your prayers,
Remember, it is the same Holy Spirit who distributes, activates, and operates these different gifts as he chooses for each believer.
Just as the human body is one, though it has many parts that together form one body, so too is Christ.
For by one Spirit we all were immersed and mingled into one single BODY.
And no matter our status—whether we are Jews or non-Jews, oppressed or free—we are all privileged to DRINK DEEPLY of the same Holy Spirit.
In fact, the human body is not one single part but rather many parts mingled into one.
So if the foot were to say, “Since I’m not a hand,
I’m not a part of the body,” it’s forgetting that it is still a vital part of the body.
And if the ear were to say, “Since I’m not an eye,
I’m not really a part of the body,” it’s forgetting that it is still an important part of the body.
Think of it this way.
If the whole body were just an eyeball,
how could it hear sounds?
And if the whole body were just an ear,
how could it smell different fragrances?
But God has carefully designed each member and placed it in the body to function as He desires.
A diversity is required, for if the body consisted of one single part, there wouldn’t be a body at all!
So now we see that there are many differing parts and functions, but one body.
It would be wrong for the eye to say to the hand,
“I don’t need you,” and equally wrong if the head said to the foot, “I don’t need you.”
In fact, the weaker our parts,
the more vital and essential they are.
The body parts we think are less honorable we treat with greater respect.
And the body parts that need to be covered in public we treat with propriety and clothe them.
But some of our body parts don’t require as much attention.
Instead, God has mingled the body parts together, giving greater honor to the “lesser” members who lacked it.
He has done this intentionally so that every member would look after the others with mutual concern, and so that there will be no division in the body.
In that way, whatever happens to one member happens to all.
If one suffers, everyone suffers.
If one is honored, everyone rejoices.
You are the body of the Anointed One,
and each of you is a unique and vital part of it.
God has placed in the church the following:
First apostles, second prophets, third teachers,
then those with gifts of miracles, gifts of divine healing, gifts of revelation knowledge, gifts of leadership,
and gifts of different kinds of tongues.
Not everyone is an apostle or a prophet or a teacher.
Not everyone performs miracles or has gifts of healing or speaks in tongues or interprets tongues.
But you should all constantly boil over with passion in seeking the higher gifts.
And now I will show you a superior way to live that is beyond comparison!
If I were to speak with eloquence in earth’s many languages,
and in the heavenly tongues of angels,
yet I didn’t express myself with LOVE,
my WORDS would be reduced to the hollow sound of nothing more than a clanging cymbal.
In all these things, without love we are clanging cymbal.