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[Sermon Note] When Jesus steps in, miracles happen!

Preached by Pastor Stephanie


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In a place where people hear they are tested positive, if you are believing in His words, you can have the same testimony as Vanice. In a week, her result was from positive to negative. How did she has that faith? God’s record already shown her test negative.

Knowing Jesus is not about having bible knowledge in our head. It is about having Jesus in our lives.

Build ourselves by learning God’s way.

God wants us to be available. Not knowing everything.

Truth set us free. Lies will bind you down.

When Jesus steps in, miracles happen!

Marks 6:41-42 TPT

Then Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, gazed into heaven, and gave thanks to God. He broke the bread and the two fish and distributed them to his disciples to serve the people—and the food was multiplied in front of their eyes! 42 Everyone had plenty to eat and was fully satisfied.

Marks 6:43-44 TPT

Then the twelve disciples picked up what remained, and each of them ended up with a basket full of leftovers! 44 Altogether, five thousand families were fed that day!

Mark 6:45-46 TPT

After everyone had their meal, Jesus instructed his disciples to get back into the boat and go on ahead of him and sail to the other side to Bethsaida.

46 So he dispersed the crowd, said good-bye to his disciples, then slipped away to pray on the mountain.

Mark 6:48-49 TPT

The wind was against the disciples and he could see that they were straining at the oars, trying to make headway.

When it was almost morning, Jesus came to them, walking on the surface of the water, and he started to pass by them

God can see us. He sees His children struggling against the bad wind. Struggling with what is happening in our lives.

All who not even know Him yet. Even when we don’t see Him yet, He sees us!

Jesus came to them walking on the surface of water.

When it was almost morning, Jesus came to them, WALKING on the surface of the WATER, and He started to pass by them.

When they all SAW HIM WALKING on the WAVES, they thought He was a ghost and screamed out in TERROR.

They saw Him in the natural and thought He was a ghost.

Mark 6:50 TPT

When they all saw him walking on the waves, they thought he was a ghost and screamed out in terror. But he said to them at once, “Don’t yield to fear. Have courage. It’s really me—I Am!”

Have courage and not fear when we hear Jesus.

Hear His Word. If we don’t hear His Word we will hear outside world.

Faith comes from hearing.

Fear comes from hearing too.

When you hear Jesus, He always said I AM.

Greek term EGO EIMI - I AM or IT IS I.

He is saying this is My identity.

The Koine Greek term EGO EIMI (Greek Ἐγώ εἰμί, pronounced [eɣó imí]),

literally I AM or IT IS I,

is an emphatic form of the copulative verb εἰμι that is recorded in the Gospels to have been spoken by JESUS on several occasions to refer to HIMSELF not with the role of a verb but playing the role of a NAME , in the Gospel of John occurring seven times with specific titles.

I AM the Bread of Life (John 6:35)

I AM the Light of the World (John 8:12)

I AM the Door (John 10:9)

I AM the Good Shepherd (John 10:11,14)

I AM the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25)

I AM the Way and the Truth and the Life (John 14:6)

I AM the Vine (John 15:1,5)

The door is the place of entrance.

Jesus overcome death. He can give life to everyone.

Life is about fruitfulness.

Who He is. His identity.

Exodus 3:13-14 AMP

Then Moses said to God, “Behold, when I come to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers (ancestors) has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is His name?’ What shall I say to them?” 14 God said to Moses, “I Am Who I Am”; and He said, “You shall say this to the Israelites, ‘I Am has sent me to you.’”

in the second coming, Jesus will set up His kingdom on this earth.

Think God’s thoughts and do God’s ways.

I am who I am.

I AM has sent me to you

I AM -






Miracles! God does not do normal things like we do!

When the world says covid can kill you, God says you are healed!

Miracles! That is what our lives supposed to be!

He used the word I AM. Is present tense!

MARK 6:51-52 TPT

Then He came closer and climbed INTO the BOAT WITH THEM, and IMMEDIATELY the stormy wind became still.

They were completely and utterly overwhelmed with astonishment because they failed to learn the lesson of the miracle of the loaves, and their hearts were unwilling to learn the lesson.

Their spiritual eyes were closed.

I am the resurrection and the life!

I am your provider. You will never lack.

The only life and security is in Jesus

It is I. I Am.

Come into the boat. When Jesus comes into your lives, the storm will cease.

The first thing He come into your life, you are not asking for religion. Immediately the storm cease and you experience peace.

When Jesus comes into our hearts, INSTANTLY all the fears go.

He is in charge of our provision


Then they were eager to LET HIM IN the BOAT, and IMMEDIATELY they ARRIVED at their DESTINATION!

The moment Jesus stepped into the boat, they were IMMEDIATELY transported to the other side!

When Jesus comes into your lives, He will speed up things for you.


They were relieved to TAKE HIM IN, and the MOMENT JESUS STEPPED INTO the BOAT, they were INSTANTLY TRANSPORTED to the other side!

We are moving towards knowing Him and His power of resurrection in our lives.

AMOS 9:13-15 MSG

“YES indeed, it WON’T be LONG NOW .” God’s Decree.

“Things are going to HAPPEN SO FAST your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other.

Character is very important. We are out there, we reflect Jesus. Our attitudes. In the world out there, our testimony very important. We need to have in mind the attitude of Christ.

People see us first before they see Jesus.

The happening God! It is going to happen faster than you ever think. The storm cease the moment Jesus steps into your boat.

You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be HAPPENING AT ONCE —


BLESSINGS like WINE pouring off the mountains and hills.

I’ll make EVERYTHING right again for my people Israel:

“They’ll REBUILD their ruined cities. They’ll PLANT VINEYARDS and DRINK GOOD WINE.

The work of your hands.

Whatever you do, prosper!

They’ll work their gardens and EAT FRESH VEGETABLES.

And I’LL PLANT THEM, plant them on their OWN LAND. They’ll never again be uprooted from the land I’VE GIVEN them.”


He is blessing the works of your hands.

God’s will and His ways. The continuous hunger of His spiritual food.

I AM. Believe in our hearts and speak with our mouth and manifestation takes place.

He is a good Father. Properly build. God wants you to experience every areas.

Put His word into practise. All of us will be built up. Inheritance of souls. God bless us in material things and also stir inside us to build souls

We have this body to rule over. Let Jesus comes into your life into your heart and His Word and build you. You will see what happen when He steps in. Miracle happens in your life.

Let God keeps on blessing and blessing your life and the people around us.



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