Pastor Stephanie

Nun is one of five letters that have a “sofit” or “final form” when at the end of a word.

Nun is the picture of humility – and yet nun sofit is upright.
Servant in state of humbleness.
Jesus humble before the Lord and we receive His righteousness and become upright.
Lamed is looking up to the Kingdom.
Learn from the Word of God (Letter Mem).
Everything else will pass away, only God's Word is eternal.
Our race, how to live this life on this earth
Always learning, always humble to learn
Learn a life on how to live the New Creation life
A humble heart to learn. Keep learning.
The one who get all the rewards in Heaven are all the overcomers.
Our lives are a life of faith.
We are living by His Word.
His Words are the substance of our lives.
We know Christ through His Words.
Jesus being the faithful servant that will never leave us and will do whatever He says.
How are we going to live this life? We are dependent on Him that He is faithful.
Start from learning God's Word on what He has done for us.
God sees the heart.
If we don't have a relationship with God, we cannot tithe.
In order to have new water, we need to pour out the old water.
Emptying ourselves from all of our flesh desires.
God is able to increase and pour out abundance into our lives.
Wisdom, blessings, provisions etc.
Depend on God and not on our own wisdom.
Wisdom of God is not even near to the wisdom of man.
The more we dig into God's Word, we can see it is totally different.
Whatever God said, He means it.
Without Him we can do nothing.
We are married to Jesus and we can bear fruits.
Fruits of the Spirit.
Maturity is not how much we know the Word of God or how anointed we are.
Maturity is based on fruit bearing.
A branch cannot exist by itself.
Our lives and sustenance comes from God.
The "Nun" has a meaning of our lives.
Comes from God or Jesus means comes from His Word.

Picture of a seed, fish (moving)
Meaning = God gives life through the Heir (the Seed) which was promised!
Yeshua, the promised Seed provided light for us – that we might be fellow-heirs with Him.
The seeds that we sow into His kingdom will multiply.
The letter "Nun" can be found in the word Nephesh - נפש soul
neshamah נֶשַׁמַה
(Strong's #5397) means "BREATH" and is sometimes used in place of nephesh or rûach, it derives from נָשַׁם nâsham "to pant or blow away"
When we got born again, we got a new spirit, we have a new Neshamah (new life).
What is really profitable for our lives is His Word.
Read the bible as if God is talking to us.
Psalms 119:105 NKJV
NUN. YOUR WORD is a LAMP to my FEET And a LIGHT to my PATH.
In the spirit, we started in darkness.
No one can see in the spiritual realm because it is dark.
When we start this new life in Christ, we are in the dark.
We have no idea what is this life all about.
That's why we need the lamp to light the path.
His Word is the one that tells us our standing.
We stand as a child of God.
The Word of God needs the oil of the Holy Spirit to bring forth the light.
We need the Holy Spirit. We need to Word.
Word of God will give us the clarity.
Spirit man depends on God Word.
We have inherited the most valuable book - the Bible
We become fearless.
We are not afraid of what man said.
When we have this new life, then we are on fire.
We are on fire when Holy Spirit touch us.
Set our souls on fire.
Be fearless.
The bible is our greatest treasure.

Eagle is a spirt animal.
The new life comes form the spiritual part.
We become a powerful being on this earth.
We have fire in everything we do.
The Word of God will be the light to show us how to fly and soar.
We can soar like the eagles. We are visionaries in the Lord.
It need a powerful spirit to go and take someone from the Kingdom of Darkness to the Kingdom of Light.
Growing the spirit man through the Word of God.
Hear the Word of God daily.
The blessings or the curse depends on our choice.
The word miracle in Hebrew is "Ness".

Each time we meditate God's Word, new life is coming out.
Nun (humble and faithful one) + Samech (protection of God) = MIRACLE
God surrounds us with His favor.
Miracles and supernatural things happening in our lives.
Miracles of souls getting saved through us and around us.
Miracle of overcoming problems.
No more fear.
God's Word is not normal.
Go back to the source which is God's Word.
Amen ends with a Nun (final form).
It says that "It is finished! It is done!"
50 is the number of Jubilee.
Free from sickness, sorrows etc.