Pastor Stephanie
The word Ayin means "eye," "to see," and by extension, to understand and obey.
To be able to see we need light.
The more we study God's Word, we will realized that what the world say is completely opposite than what God's word say.
Wisdom of the world is what people taught us.
Ayin is talking about our spiritual eyes.
Each one of us have the spirit eye.
We also have spiritual senses.
New heart born in the spirit can now choose.
New heart has been developed with God's Word.
Two eyes represent choice or the actions of WILL (i.e. the HEART)
We can CHOOSE whether to use the GOOD EYE or the EVIL EYE to perceive things.
We can CHOOSE to SEE the glass as half full rather than half empty.
We can choose which eye we want to look from (either spiritual or physical eye).
Spirit man only grow from God's Word.
Ayin is so important because it can lead us to sin or our spiritual blessings of God.
A person's outlook reveals their inner character.
The eye is the light of the body.
Darkness means doesn't have God's precept.
When we are born again, our spiritual eyes are in darkness.
When we don't feed our spirit man with God's Word, we can't see.
We need God's Word as a light to help us see in darkness.
We cannot serve God and Mammon (money, possession, fame, status or whatever is VALUED MORE than the Lord).
We will have to choose either we want to serve God or money.
Jesus is very interested in our lives.
Christianity is not about right and wrong but is about life.
Life without worry.
Only God can give us this life without worry.
Kingdom of God is not about food and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
All the alphabets represent Christ and Christ in us.
We are able to support others, support the poor.
Church in the book of Acts, nobody is empty and everybody is abundantly supplied.
We see God as our supplier.
If He tells us to give, it is not a problem.
Don't give by compulsion, but give with revelation.
When we know God's Word, we are able to discern what is right or wrong.
If don't read the Bible, we don't know what is the will of God.
Those who are led by the Spirit are sons and daughters of God.
God is always watching over us.
God watches us to support us.
Depend on our Heavenly Father and not the things of this world.
DIVINE PROVIDENCE - the "EYES" of God in control of the cycle, is the secret of the letter, AYIN which means "eye."
The blessings of obedience is ours not by obedience of the law but by Jesus' obedience.
We are made to be blessing.
When we go into the promise land, we are activating the sense of smell from the will.
Our spirit wants to do the will of God.
God's eye is looking over the land, looking over us.
Today we are made holy by Jesus Christ.
Sin no longer control us.
We are under the divine providence of the Ayin; the eye of God. Eden starts with Ayin.
He watches over us and surround us.
We are to live in the pleasure of protection, pleasure of His eyes watching over us.
Watching over us to bless us.
As long as our good eyes are looking towards SAMECH.
Today in Christ, we are living a live of pleasure NOT pressure.
Ayin starts with what we see.
If we see with evil eye, we will do the evil thing.
After desire, we will do what God say and we will reap.
If our good eyes can see what God's will is, then we will do what is just and fair.
See God's will, purposes and ways from God's Word.
Ayin also speaks about revelation.
If we don't study the Word of God, our mind is still the mind of the world.
AYIN teaches us to understand the cause and effect in our lives - how past actions lead to future outcomes, and how to think for the future.
Ayin implores us to open our eyes, to SEE BEYOND the PHYSICAL. >> Spiritual eyes
Discernment, wisdom all comes from the spiritual eyes.
We can only see when we have God's Word.
We don't see our bank account anymore.
We see the abundance from Heaven.
The Ayin is meant to take us from dark to light.
When we are still limited in the physical realm, we are still in darkness.
Word of God is light and when we go into His Word, revelation comes in.
It urges us to break through the walls of limitations in order to see what is not yet visible to us.
Ayin has to do with VISION and bringing forth lights that are hidden.
Seeing brings forth actions.
Spiritual seeing always comes with action.
When we can see what God is doing, we are no more limited by time and space, by how much we have in our bank account and what the doctor say.
Ayin sees beyond, sees the future that God describe in the Word.
Just by faith believe.
He is our future.
And [I pray] that the EYES of your HEART [the very center and core of your being] may be enlightened [flooded with LIGHT by the HOLY SPIRIT], so that you will know and cherish the hope [the divine guarantee, the confident expectation] to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints (God’s people),
and [so that you will begin to know] what the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His [active, spiritual] power is in us who believe.
These are in accordance with the working of His mighty strength..
When our eye begin to see, see God's providence and provision, greater confidence coming in and greater action we take by faith.
He will supply.
He will definitely take care.
Word of God is able to divide between the thoughts of the soul and the thoughts of the spirit.
Word of God is sharp, able to cut through our heart and spirit.
No more fear to need to hide from God anymore.
He is watching over us to bless us.