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Pastor Stephanie

Whoever behold the Lord, he will transform from glory to glory.

Transformation takes place when our mind is renewed.

Come out from the natural realm and live in the spiritual realm.

The letter פ (peh) comes after the letter ע (ayin) to teach us the order of things in life – first the eye (ayin) sees and then the mouth (peh) can start to express what the eye has seen.

Everyone is born with a purpose.

Find our purpose and fulfill it.

We choose to seek first the Kingdom of God.

We choose to meditate God's Word as we enter into the promise land.

Truth can be found in God's Word.

AYIN - To see and make the choices that are right in God's sight.

For our growth and many fulfilment of souls to be saved.

We tithe from a perspective that we are RICH.

Doubt will not come in already.

Devil manifest himself through lies.

If we do not equipped ourselves with God's Word, the Devil will find us as a prey and keep us swayed. See that you are RICH first in the Spirit and it will MANIFEST.

This letter also has a final letter form ף .

There are commentators that see the two shapes of the letter peh (פ and ף ) to represent the flexibility in which a person can speak.

One’s speech can be pleasant and soft, or it can be harsh, damaging, and dangerous.

In addition, the letter פ symbolizes holiness, as it represents prayer which comes from the mouth.

The shape of the letter peh also represents openness.

Mouth contains the power of life and death.

When we teach, Holy Spirit will guide my thoughts and mouth.

Guard your heart but will your heart with God.

What we feed our heart and mind is what will come out.



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