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Pastor Stephanie

The 18th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is TSADI.

The numeric value of TSADI is 90.

The pictogram, or symbol, behind the shape of the letter TSADI is a SERVANT, bent over, carrying a burden.

It is a picture of JESUS.

"He took up our infirmities and carried our pain" (Isaiah 53:4).

TSADI - Jesus as a spirit. Jesus is a bent over servant and He carries a burden.

Jesus is qualified to carry us. He is worthy.

Only Jesus is the righteous one who has no sins at all.

2 Corinthians 5:21 "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."

Jesus became sin so that we become righteous.

Jesus is our righteousness. Everyone who are born from Adam, no one is righteous. Jesus is our advocate. Jesus stand in between us, our sins and God.

God judge us as NOT GUILTY. We can come to the throne of Grace and Mercy to obtain help in times of need.

Throne of judgement becomes throne of Grace and Mercy. Grace - Getting the good that we don't deserve Mercy - Not getting the bad we deserve We will never understand grace and mercy if we never do wrong. As a New Creation under the New Covenant under grace, we love Jesus more and more.

When God sees us, He sees Jesus' righteous.

The righteous live by faith.

Walk in Spirit and walk with God. Walk means fellowship.

Walking in the flesh means making decision by our five sense. Today we are led by the Spirit and not by dos and don'ts. The Nun represents a humble and faithful servant (the crowned Vav) that is bent in submission.

The Yod represents a hand lifted to heaven, or the Spirit of God. The tzaddik - the righteous person -- is therefore revealed in the letter form as a faithful servant with his arms raised before the LORD in humility.

Think of the righteous person which is Jesus. Think of a servant bent over.

Think of humility.

When we teach, we teach out of the righteousness of God.

The Two Forms of Tsade:-

- The bent form of Tsade represents righteous humility

- but also is a picture of the suffering Tzaddik, which is also a picture of the LORD Yeshua (as Kiddushin 406 states, "suffering atones for sins").

Right standing - Ability to stand in the presence of God and the Devil without fear, inferiority, shame, guilt and condemnation.

We receive His righteousness and we can now stand up straight.

We can face the devil because of God's righteousness.

Tzedakah is a Hebrew word literally meaning righteousness but commonly used to signify charity. Based on the Hebrew word (צדק,Tzedek) meaning RIGHTEOUSNESS, FAIRNESS or JUSTICE.

Tzedakah refers to the religious obligation to do what is right and just.

We tithe to God, the righteous one, which is the right thing to do.

PSALM 119:137 KJV

"TZADDI. Righteous art thou, O LORD, and upright are thy judgments." We need to know the Word of God to live the life of wisdom. When we see God's Word, we will see righteousness, fair and just.

God's ways will last for eternity.


Faithfulness carries the Yud of spirituality on its back.

Its bent over because its humble and its serving GOD.

When we give to the poor, don't let our right hand know what our left hand is doing.

Boasting is always about our good deeds.

When we are self-righteous, we are our own master.

When we have Jesus, He is now our master.

He has every say in our lives.

When we want to boast, we boast about Jesus.

We live a life of only boasting God's righteousness.

Our ability and achievements are like cow dunk in the eyes of God.

Our deeds are not righteous if we did it in our own ability.

The only righteousness that God recognized are those where His grace given us the ability.

We need his ability, power and strength in our weaknesses.

Without Christ, there is nothing good.

In all our weaknesses and ability, Jesus has taken it onto the cross. We humble ourselves before God.

He will exalt us.

Others will no longer see our self-righteousness anymore but will see Christ in us.

Our weaknesses has been replaced by His righteousness.


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