Pastor Stephanie

The letter QOF
The letter Qof (also spelled Kuf, or Khof) originally meant the back of the head, or the eye of a needle and which also means monkey.
It is the symbol of both the sacred Kedushah קדושה, and the profane – the Klipah קליפה, the peel, cover, or husk which represents the negativities in the world.
Qof has to do with the requirement of removing the husk of the superficial to reveal the holiness within.
There is a letter and there is a word
The word qof means monkey
In Hebrew, Qof means monkey, a creature which resembles a human but is purely animalistic, with none of the higher capacities of a human.
This indicates the requirement for a human to overcome his purely animalistic nature and to emulate the image of the Creator he is made in, to realize his true spiritual nature beyond just the physical.
God created human life, animal life and plant life
Adam and Eve were created to communicate with God
Animal life represented by monkey, after the fall, man became to have animal instinct manifested in them.
Human being supposed to be created with the nature of God
After the fall, man manifest the nature of evil. Degenerate to become like animal. Animal don’t care and just take.
God image to become like animal.
Human being now need to come back to the original state God created man.
The Qof is the only letter which extends below the line of the other letters, indicating descent into the lower world, but also the ability to ascend from there.
Quf is also הקפה – circle, go around.
Qof represents all the cycles of nature, changing seasons, monthly and yearly cycles. It is the constant movement, circulation, and change of life.
It could also represent that through the cycles of life that we see – evolution, growth, change, suffering, happiness, life experience – we are constantly worked on in order to evolve and realize our true spiritual nature.
There is life inside. Through the cycle of life, we see growth, change
Our origin is spiritual
Two letters, a resh and a zayin, combine to form the letter qof.
The zayin, to the left, descends below the line, while the resh,
to the right, hovers above it.
If something happen to the spinal code, the person cannot be standing upright. You need the “zayin” to be upright and be righteous.
Holiness is draw near God
The paradoxical union symbolized by the two components of the qof is the secret of "There is none holy as G-d."
In general, the qof stands for kedushah, "holiness."
The unique level of holiness inherent to G-d is expressed, in the words of the Zohar, as: "He is grasped within all worlds, yet none grasps Him."
Who we are born again, we get the instruction from the Holy Spirit
If you have no word of God, you have no sword
Follow God and serve God and obey God when we have the spirit
God is removing all the impurities as we grow in the Lord
The more we have God’s word, the more He can cut the impurities of drawing near to Him and hear Him
Do you want to know which word is from God and which word is not from God?
Go into God’s Word
The “Zayin” represents this sword/scalpel, which is the word of YHVH that cuts into the deepest part of our being; the soul and spirit as well as the bones and marrow (structure)
Bone marrow is where blood is produced that is teh life source for animals and humans life is in the blood. The “zayin” has the ability to cut into the “marrow”, the source of life (blood) and change it to become undefiled and pure. This the source of our life and how we receive a New Nature.
The Spine and skeleton is our structure that makes us “upright” in the physical and produce Life (blood) - the Word (Zayin) is our Framework that keep us “Upright” or Righteous.
The new seed gives us new blood!
In the gospel, the righteousness of God is revealed. From there we can live a life from faith to faith.
The paradoxical union symbolized by the two components of the qof is the secret of "There is none holy as G-d."
In general, the qof stands for kedushah, "holiness."
The unique level of holiness inherent to G-d is expressed, in the words of the Zohar, as: "He is grasped within all worlds, yet none grasps Him."
Righteousness and holiness come together.
Righteous and holy
Holiness is not external. Holiness is blood transmition
The descending zayin of the qof symbolizes His being grasped in all worlds, permeating even realms of reality "below the line," i.e., worlds antithetical to those in whom G-d's Presence is revealed.
The resh, G-d's ever-present transcendence, remains "separate" and holy (in Hebrew, "holy" means separate) in relation to His descending immanence.
Qof is a final line* (Kav) – an end (Kets) to a certain phase and/or a porthole of opportunities to a new way or a new elevation.
Qof enables things to come to their end so that new things will be able to grow in their place, as in the “Cell Death Pathway”, without which, there is no space for new cells to be created, and, therefore, there is no regeneration of the organic body.
Fellowship with Him until we become like Him
Come fellowship with Jesus
New things have become new.
Learning all about the new life. The new spiritual life in Christ.
New things began to grow.
Old no more. Only the new seed of God’s Word into our spirit, into our heart
Grow in our spirit and affect our physical mind
Qof, like the eye of the needle, enables only the suitable few to pass on through it to the high and renewing “Silver Grid” of Resh, Shin, Tav (Re-She-T is the Hebrew word, which is made up from the last 3 letters of the AlphaBet, meaning “grid”).
The rich man’s eyes are on the world, the money. The love of money and the fear of lack.
Go through the gate, go inside. He does not pull us. We go in ourselves
The emphasis is on the speech, not just the mouth
How do we “widen” this mouth
The letter Qof is related to standing steadfast against temptations and the lowering of standards.
It is a window for a new permission and a higher service in a new elevation, which call for loyalty, honor and self control.
Jesus Is the righteous one, no place for self-righteousness
Jesus Is holy, separated unto God, set apart for God
Jesus was and is pure in Him we have right-standing with God. Our holiness is established in Christ.
Only Jesus can make me holy.
Holy Spirit goes to work
The righteousness and right standing is established in Christ
The Hebrew words of Holiness and righteousness are in pair
We are set apart. We are made holy and righteous
Holiness, righteousnessJesus Is righteousJesus Is holyLess self-righteousness
Our righteousness is only in Him
Our holiness is only found in Him
Meditate on God’s Word
God is our Source. Don’t need to be afraid
This is set-apart.
We are set-apart and not influenced by this world
Jesus was “…the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world”We were…”in Him before the foundation of the world”Set apart for God
PSALM 119:145 KJV
KOPH. I cried with my whole heart; hear me, O LORD: I will keep thy statutes.
Koph - Cry
Holiness and presence of God. Crying with the whole heart
Koph is drawing near to God
Deep inside
PSALM 119:146 NKJV
I cry out to You; Save me, and I will keep Your testimonies.
The holiness inside want us
The holiness in us crave for God
PSALM 119:147 NKJV
I rise before the dawning of the morning,
And cry for help; I hope in Your word.
PSALM 119:148 NKJV
My eyes are awake through the night watches,
That I may meditate on Your word.
We are set apart for God
God wants us for Himself to enter into the fellowship with Him
PSALM 119:149 NKJV
Hear my voice according to Your lovingkindness;
O Lord, revive me according to Your justice.
Holiness is very clear cut from wickedness
PSALM 119:150 NKJV
They draw near who follow after wickedness;
They are far from Your law.
PSALM 119:151 NKJV
You are near, O Lord, And all Your commandments are truth.
PSALM 119:152 NKJV
Concerning Your testimonies, I have known of old that You have founded them forever.
There is a longing in your heart for God
What is righteousness?
Righteousness, “ Tsadik”
First we need to be made right, than made holy. In the spirit, this is done instantly
We are made right and can enter into God’s holiness.
The word of God is the truth
Righteousness means to know what is right and to do what is right. You can only know what is right if you receive Truth.
You only receive Truth if you believe it is truth and thus needs faith.
You know someone and you know about someone. There is a difference
You are closer when you know someone
You know about God
Or you know God
Understand from the Word, holiness and righteousness
Everyone by grace can come in, but not many enter.
Many are still in self-righteousness
God says come into My throne room for His mercy and grace
Believers are to influence the world, not the world influence the church
You don’t go to the world for knowledge and wisdom
You display closeness of God
Otherness means you are different from others.
Holiness that separates us from another person
We choose to be different, not by ourselves but by God setting us apart.
You are speaking God’s Word but you don’t realise
Qof is like a doorway to the king
Abraham and Sarah together is righteousness and holiness
And both together produce Issac which is laughter - and to sharpen
There will be sharpening. Remove the “self” and all Christ.
You need to be “sharpened” to attain a level of Righteousness that produces laughter (joy of salvation Psalm 51:12)
Doorway - Presence of the king - Presence of the King - Eternal life (Chet)
Tabernacle has 3 doorways to enter
1. Through the righteousness of Messiah
2. Combination of Tsadik and Qodesh
3. Combination of Tsadik and Qodesh
That leads to the final presence of the King, the Holy of Holies
You come to God with gifts
Walk through the doorway into the holy of holies
Go in. Jesus has opened the way
We are set apart and chosen
Chosen us to be His unique treasure
He wants our fellowship
Ruach Hakodesh - Holy Spirit
John 14:26 TLV
Bu the Helper, the Ruach HaKodesh whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you everything and remind you of everything that I said to you.