Pastor Stephanie

TAV (ת) is the twenty-second letter of the Hebrew Alef-Bet.

TAV’s Ancient Hebrew Picture is a mark – the mark – that looks like a cross or an “X” that marks the spot.
The pictograph of that mark symbolizes: ownership, to seal, to make a covenant, to join two things together, or to make a sign.
Meaning "mark" as its pertains to sealing something or signing something like a contract or covenant with another person.
Can also mean marked boundaries or borders.
We have been set apart for Jesus.
Words that contain the letter Tav - TORAH (תורה)
Tav - pictures a cross meaning "to seal or covenant"
Vav - pictures a nail or peg meaning "to add or secure"
Resh - pictures a head meaning "a person, the head or the highest" Hey - a person with hands raised meaning "to reveal or behold or what comes from"
Today we only see Jesus which is the Word.
What He says and what is the will of God.
TAV (ת) is the last letter for the Hebrew word EMET, which means TRUTH.
Grace makes us obedient to God from our hearts.
Psalm 119:142 KJV
Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy LAW (TORAH) is the TRUTH.
The torah is the truth.
Why we don't believe God? Because we don't believe the word is the truth.
The truth is something or someone that you can believe it. Devil comes to us in thoughts, other people's teaching or philosophy.
Trusting God is having faith in something that your physical eyes and five sense cannot see and feel it.
Faith is the substance of things hope for.
Why is it so hard to trust God? Because we don't have substance.
Trust God meaning trust what He says. Torah means direction.
Our spiritual destination is to draw near to God.
Rest in Him and let the fruits of the Spirit be manifested in our lives.

The first doorway (Hey) - represents the sound of breath, YHVH's life giving spirit. Also represent light or truth.
The second doorway (Chet) - represents the sign (blood on the door) that allows YHVH's people to ne protected against judgement - leading to life
The third doorway (Tav) - means mark or sign symbolizes the cross/stake/death as well as Yoke
When we have God's word, it's like a sword that can cut.

Eat God's Word. Everyday chew on His Word and that is where we receive life.
We need the author of the Bible to help us interpret the Bible.
It is God who plows our heart for the work.
We are already tied to the ox (Jesus). He moves, we moves.
It is heavy when we carry the burden by ourselves but when we put it on Jesus it will be light.
Don't be unequally yoked with unbelievers.
Most importantly yoked with the Lord else we will have suffering.

We have Jesus as the Aleph (the ox) and the Tav (the cross/covenant).
Look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
Jesus today is the word to us.
We don't have to be afraid of the future because the future is in our Aleph and Tav.
Our future is at the right hand of the Father.
When we look at Jesus, look at Him as our Aleph and the Tav.
Torah today means the bread of life which is Jesus. Put God's Word in our lives.
Our lives will begin and end at the right track and right place.
God wants us in the Garden of Eden, the life of pleasure.

How to walk in this life? Eat God's Word and keep on listening to God's Word. If we know the truth, we can discern. Everyone will grow into someone who can lead others into the doorway until Jesus comes and take us during rapture.