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Pastor Stephanie

Zayin - Constructed with a Vav and a crown on its head

Vav represents straight light from above to below

Zayin represents returning light which returns up the Vav and spreads out in the Crown.

Zayin in picture form looks like a sword.

- A Vav with a Yud on top of it.

- Crown on top of the man

- Crowned man

Sword - world survival of the fittest in order to succeed

This joy of Zayin is spirit sustenance, struggle.

When the time is right, the Heavenly things will manifest.

We need faith which is believing in God.

Overcomers are the ones who are on the offensive.

Sufferings of foolishness, distress by relying on ourselves which is in this World.

When we believe and trust God, confidence comes in.

Our confidence comes from God.

How do we have confidence and trust in God - By His Word & Faith

Jesus will give us great confidence when we rest in Him.

God wants to fill us more with His power and anointing.

Holy Spirit pour out His anointing of joy; joy in the midst of tribulations etc.

We are born winners in Christ.

Jesus has overcome. We have no fear. Jesus is our supplier and provision.

Evil will only bring us back to confidence in ourselves -> self-righteousness

Overcoming is NOT a gift.

Jesus's suffering on the cross is so that we can rest in Him today.

He is our Sabbath rest.

Our hope is not in our own ability.

Hope is found in God. In His Word.

When we continue to believe and have hope, the "Zayin" will fight.

When we have God's Word, we can enjoy the struggles in this life.

God is the one who defend us when we continue to walk in His righteousness.

We got our lives from Jesus, the seed dying being planted onto this Earth.

If Jesus didn't die, we don't have life.

When we receive the anointing, it's like a seed flowing through of lives.

The anointing set us apart.

We are in Christ.

Holiness is God made us holy and not we trying to be holy.

Christ means the anointed one.

We are in the anointing.

We have the anointing inside us.

We just have to let it to be pressed out in our lives.

God will press us more, humble us more.

Learn to rejoice in the midst of circumstances.


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