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Pastor Stephanie

Chet - eighth letter of the Aleph-Bet Pictograph form - Looks like a wall or fence

Chet (8) is also the number of GRACE and the number of WISDOM.

Chet is also the Number of New Beginnings (8). Jewish mystics consider Chet to be the DOORWAY of light from heaven.

God reveals to us through His Word.

When we speak God's Word, miracles happen.

Jesus blood is the only way that can wash away our sins; the only way to enter into the heavenly realm. DOORWAY where the blood of the lamb was daubed during the first Passover. Jesus became the doorway for us to walk through.

We get our new life from His Word.

It is revealed to us from God's Word.

The bible is God's revelation to man.

We find favour in God's Word. Direction and manual is God's Word.

We find direction in God's Word too.

His Word is the direction in our lives.

New life need new directions and instructions.

When God instruct us, it is not to harm us. His commandments are a joy and no longer heavy anymore.

Instructions are God's Word that anchor and stabilize us.

No matter how strong the storm comes, it can never shake us because we are firmly anchored in God's Word. We are set apart and we have the joy to follow God.

We agree that God's Word is the final authority.

God's Word is the manual and directions for our new life.

In the midst of problems, we can see God is loving us.

He is still loving us even though we are in this pit-hole.

Following God's Word has become a joy.

Don't be let by the evil spirit but be led by Holy Spirit. Begin to see good from God's Word. Some words that start with the letter Chet:- 1. LIFE



When we want wisdom, we need to acknowledge that Jesus is our wisdom.

After we born again, we have the Heavenly wisdom.

Speak and declare to have this wisdom in every areas of our lives.

When we follow God's manual and instructions, we are protected from the enemy.

We abide in Him and His Words abide in us.

Infinity (∞) is within this letter.

The mathematical symbol for infinity is an 8 turned on its side.

It is seen as a GATEWAY into ANOTHER REALM.

Chet is Life and Grace.

Our new life in Christ begins on a totally new level being based NOT on a "thou shalt NOT" but firmly on a "GOD HAS DONE."

Christ suffered on our behalf. We have entered into this new life and we won't lose our salvation.

What God have open no one can close.

Jesus invites us to enter and live transcendent lives, lives beyond the range of perception.

The realm of God is eternal.

His Word will never pass away.

When you look at this letter:-

- Think of a life beyond the ordinary

- Think of transcendence

- Think of Jesus' invite to enter the gate that HE has eternally opened

- Think of the pre existence of Jesus

The life that God have created we just speak it out.


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