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Pastor Stephanie

When God lives inside our heart, it is like a burning fire. H1696 SPEAK

Original: דּבר

Transliteration: DÂBAR

Phonetic: daw-bar'

BDB Definition:

to SPEAK, DECLARE, converse, COMMAND, PROMISE, warn, threaten, sing

to talk

to speak

to promise

to lead away, put to flight Power of life and death is in our tongue. In our speaking is where miracles happen. To understand God, it is through His Words. English translation do not bring out who God is, but Hebrew letters brings it out. DABAR (Hebrew: דָּבָר) - word, deed, vision, action Hebrew letters that made up DABAR:- ר Resh בָ Bet דָּ Dalet DALET דָּ - DOOR



Person in need, who acknowledges his dependence on God

Poor in spirit - dependence and need upon God

Staying humble to learn

Goes from One level to another We can never stop learning from God. We can never understand God after Adam's fall. God brings Himself down to our level. Only way to come back to Heaven's realm is to be born again. God's will for us is to be in health, to PROSPER. When we understand more of God's Word, that is revelation. BET בָ - TENT

tent with opening in front of it. Picture of a dwelling place.

Represent creation.


First letter in bible is bet.

In the beginning.

To create something.

Creation points to God.

GOD Spoke into Life.


GOD wants to Tabernacle with us. God wants to live and dwell with us. The world don't have God dwelling in them.

WORD of GOD connects us to the Father.


Starts with the word bet.

Inside this mouth is the creative power.

God and man connected.

We are creating the narrative of our LIFE.

God's tent is open for His people to habitat with him in HIS PRESENCE. When it is God's Word, it has creative power. Can consistently declare it. RESH ר -

Bowed head in humbleness - Jesus Christ

Humbleness of spirit depending on God aware of our need of God

Poor in spirit - heart of humbleness.

Need God and one another

Beginning of wisdom

Adaptability to the situation around us.

Aware of our need to be adaptable Many people are not aware that they need God. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God; in honoring Him.

The first part when we honor God, is when we start to have wisdom of God.

If you want wisdom, go to the Word of God. We are here to seek God. To seek what He wants to do in our lives.

The Word of God is the one that gives us the direction. Have the mind of Christ - through His Words H6105 BONES

Original: עצם

Transliteration: ‛âtsam

Phonetic: aw-tsam'

BDB Definition:


to make STRONG God's Word in our heart can bring supernatural strength. We begin to do it God's way when we have God's Word inside us. God has already gone before us. Like a raging fire burning. Our tongue is like a fire. Speak the wrong things and it will burn. God is Spirit. God is love. God is fire. God is a consuming fire. Fire of God will eat up the sickness, lack, bad things etc. H398 CONSUMING

Original: אכל

Transliteration: 'âkal

Phonetic: aw-kal' Strong's Definition:

to EAT:- X at all, burn up, consume, devour (-er, up), dine, eat (-er, up), feed (with), food, X freely, X in. .. wise (-deed, plenty), (lay) meat, X quite. Our God is a God of covenant. What He promises us, He will do it. Our lives becomes so powerful when we know God personally. H784 FIRE

Original: אשׁ

Transliteration: 'ÊSH Phonetic: aysh


supernatural fire


Strong's Definition:

fire - burning, fiery, fire, flaming, hot ALEPH א - GOD as MASTER of the universe, CREATOR, KING God is also the TEACHER of all mankind. SHIN ׁׁש - is the letter of FIRE and TRANSFORMATION

There are 3 branches of flame 3 pillars of the TREE of LIFE, HIGH like FLAMES Is the FLAME of the SPIRIT, which we must keep ALWAYS BURNING within us. FIRE - represents the unchangeable, the unmovable, and thus is a symbol of divine power. Our lives need to be changed. The fire is to transform us. We will speak with fire and passion. Once we experience fire, we cannot go backwards. We go from glory to glory. God is unchangeable. Only the fire inside us can change us. Keep on be filled with the Spirit and God's Word. In the fire there is TRANSFORMATION. The bigger the fire, the more transformation in our lives. Holy Spirit came to put fire in our tongue. PSALM 104:4 YLT98

Making His messengers — WINDS, HIS MINISTERS — the FLAMING FIRE. When we minister, we become a minister of fire because God is living inside us. Fire comes out and burn. Set them free. Let the people receive the fire and anointing.



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