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Pastor Deborah

What is the five-fold ministry?

The five-fold ministry is found in Ephesians 4:11,

and it refers to the five roles that God has called

Christians to fill. 

These roles are :-

(1) apostles,

(2) prophets,

(3) evangelists,

(4) pastors, and

(5) teachers. 

Each of these roles is important not just for the early church but for the body of Christ today to FUNCTION PROPERLY.

What Do Five Fold Ministers Do (Church Government)?

The five-fold ministry exists to equip the church body

for works of service in the new Testament.

Body is the different part of the body, we have different functions

If one part is not functioning, the whole body is affected

We can be the hands, every part has a job to do

Paul tried to explain to us the function of our body

Equip the church body. Christ is the head of this spiritual body. Equipping the different part of the body to serve the Lord

Serving Him is to minister to other people, to be a shepherd


And He Himself gave some to be apostles,

some prophets, some evangelists,

and some pastors and teachers,


for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,


till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God,

to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;

The 5 fold ministry is to bring people to unity

Spiritual bearing fruit supposed to be a spiritual process

It is not the fruit of the flesh, it is the fruit of the spirit

Water of the Word and sunshine cause you to mature

The church. Many are still going to church, to the building, but not knowing why they are going there.


that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine,

by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,


but, speaking the truth in LOVE, may GROW UP in all things into Him who is the head—Christ—


from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what EVERY JOINT SUPPLIES, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes GROWTH of the body for the edifying of itself in love.

All of us realise we belong to Christ's body. The head is Christ.

The idea is that each member of the church body has a role to play in furthering God's kingdom.

When everyone is working together in their gifts and calling, the Church is able to accomplish MORE than what any one person could do on their own.


For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who DESIRES ALL MEN to be SAVED and to COME to the KNOWLEDGE of the TRUTH.

Does Everyone Have An Office? (Five Fold Ministry Gifts)

People are born with the gifts of Jesus Christ (five-fold ministry).

They are not something you can attain.

On the other hand, gifts of the Spirit are available to all.

It is God's ministry on earth through His people.

The gifts of the Spirit of God are available to all for free.

All you have to do is believe in Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross.

The Bible actually says to "Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy." 

That means they are for everyone.

On the other hand, the 5 fold ministry is to equip the saints so that they can function in the gifts.

There is a difference between having an office and functioning in a gift.

The APOSTOLIC Spiritual Gift


The spiritual gift of an apostle is a unique ability the Holy Spirit gives to certain individuals within the church community.

Apostles are APPOINTED and sent forth as messengers with a SPECIFIC MISSION to ESTABLISH and STRENGTHEN churches, SPREAD the GOSPEL, and NURTURE SPIRITUAL GROWTH among BELIEVERS.

They were not just learning now, they became new creation when Jesus died for them. From disciples they became apostles.

Bring up the church to maturity

The church in the book of Act was powerful Description: 

Those with the Apostolic gift are VISIONARY LEADERS who exhibit a STRONG SENSE of MISSION and a PIONEERING SPIRIT.

They possess the ABILITY to :-

- PLANT and OVERSEE churches,


- TRAIN and EQUIP leaders for MINISTRY.

The sense of mission is very strong. That is the apostle.

God will bring people, this is called pioneering spirit. This is a gift.

If it is a ministry started by God, it will be without stress.

The preaching is from the anointing, from the Holy Spirit.

Example from Scripture: 

In Acts 14:14, Barnabas and Paul were recognized as apostles when the people of Lystra referred to them as “gods who have come down to us in human form.”

This acknowledgment was due to their powerful ministry and the signs and wonders performed through them.

When the Gift is Present in the Church: 

When the apostolic gift is present in the church, it brings dynamic leadership, a passion for evangelism, and a desire to establish and strengthen communities of faith.

Apostolic individuals are catalysts for GROWTH, TRANSFORMATION, and the EXPANSION of the gospel.

For growth, transformation.

When the Gift is Absent in the Church: 

Without the apostolic gift, a church may lack strategic vision, missional focus, and effective church-planting efforts.

The absence of apostolic influence can hinder the church’s ability to reach new territories and fulfill its calling to make disciples of all nations.

What It Looked Like in the Life of Jesus: 

Jesus Himself demonstrated apostolic characteristics in His ministry.

He commissioned the twelve disciples to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19) and empowered them to continue His work after His ascension.

train to have the ability to make disciples

Practical Ways to the Develop the Apostolic Spiritual Gift:

1. Cultivate a Heart for Evangelism:

Develop a passion for sharing the gospel.

2. Invest in Discipleship:

Focus on nurturing and disciplining believers, equipping them to become influential leaders and ministers.

3. Foster Church Planting:

Explore opportunities to support and engage in church planting efforts locally or globally.

Examples from Church History:

1. St. Paul (1st century AD) – As an apostle, Paul played a pivotal role in spreading Christianity throughout the Roman Empire, establishing churches, and writing numerous epistles that continue to impact Christian theology.

2. St. Patrick (389-461 AD) – Patrick, known as the “Apostle of Ireland,” carried out a significant mission to evangelize Ireland, establishing churches and nurturing spiritual growth among the Irish people.

3. John Wesley (1703-1791) – As a revivalist and founder of Methodism, John Wesley exhibited apostolic zeal in preaching, planting societies, and disciplining believers.

Let them inspire you. They did great things for Christ

Contemporary Examples:

1. Dr. Yonggi Cho (1936-2021) – Known as the pastor of the world’s largest church, Yoido Full Gospel Church in South Korea, Cho’s apostolic ministry impacted countless lives and led to the establishment of many churches globally.

2. Alan Hirsch is a prominent figure in church planting and missional Christianity.

As a prolific author, speaker, and missiologist, he has dedicated his career to empowering and equipping church leaders for effective church-planting endeavors. 

1. Can anyone be an apostle? –

The gift of apostle is given by the Holy Spirit,

and not everyone will possess this gift.

However, every believer can play a role in the Great Commission.

2. Are apostles the same as the original twelve disciples? –

The original twelve disciples held a unique role as foundational apostles.

Today’s apostolic ministry carries forward the mission of establishing and strengthening churches.

With apostolic gifts, they will grow up and not be babies

Ways to Grow in the Apostolic Gift:

1. Seek God’s Guidance: 

Continuously seek the leading of the Holy Spirit in discerning and fulfilling your apostolic calling.

2. Be Teachable: 

Learn from experienced apostolic leaders and mentors

to grow in your understanding and effectiveness.

3. Embrace a Missional Mindset: 

Develop a heart for the unreached and the desire to see the gospel impact new regions and people groups.

The term apostle came from the Roman Empire.

When the Roman Empire would conquer a city, instead of destroying it, they would send out apostles with the KINGDOM MINDSET to shift the government and how the city functions.

Who is Apostle Paul in the New Testament?

Apostle Paul is one of the most well-known apostles in the New Testament.

He was originally named Saul and he was a Pharisee.

He was present at the stoning of Stephen and he approved of it.

After that, he began to persecute Christians.

He was on his way to Damascus to persecute the body of Christ (Christians) there when he had a dramatic encounter with Jesus Christ (Acts 9).

After this encounter, Saul's name was changed to Paul and he became one of the most well-known apostles who ever lived.

He wrote a large portion of the New Testament including fourteen books of the Bible!


Am I not completely free and unrestrained?


Am I not an apostle?

Of course!

Haven’t I had a personal encounter with our Jesus face-to-face—and continue to see him?

Emphatically yes!

Aren’t you all the proof of my ministry in the Lord?


How to become servant of the Lord if you are not discipline?

All these can be developed.



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