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Pastor Stephanie


But if GOD HIMSELF has taken up residence in YOUR LIFE, you can hardly be thinking more of yourself than of him.


Anyone, of course, who has not welcomed this INVISIBLE but CLEARLY PRESENT God, the SPIRIT of Christ, won’t know what we’re talking about.

It was our spirit that was saved when we ask Jesus into our hearts.


But for you who welcome him, in whom he dwells—even though you still experience all the limitations of sin—you yourself experience LIFE on GOD’S TERMS.


It stands to reason, doesn’t it, that if the ALIVE-AND-PRESENT GOD who raised Jesus from the dead MOVES into your life, he’ll do the same thing IN YOU that he did IN JESUS, bringing you ALIVE to himself?


When GOD LIVES and BREATHES IN YOU (and he does, as surely as he did in Jesus), YOU are DELIVERED from THAT DEAD LIFE.



Quote from John G Lake :-


"YOUR SPIRIT is the LIFE QUALITY of YOU, the LIFE PRINCIPLE that gives you action.


Not just your mind, but the IN-BREATHED SPIRIT of GOD, the breath that God breathed into man. That is eternal.

Take this outward man and bury him in the ground, and the worms will eat him. But they will not eat the real man—the one that lives within.


So few have any conception of giving that INNER MAN his proper place, or recognize his divine right to RULE and GOVERN the whole being.

Nothing on this earth can destroy our spirit man.

Now the secret of becoming a Christian is simply that YOU GIVE GOD the RIGHT to come INTO YOUR LIFE and INDWELL your entire being."

When Jesus came into our life, that’s when we can only activate our spirit man.

"On one occasion I was crossing one of the bridges in Chicago, when a man fell into the river. That was when all the sewage of Chicago went into the river.


A man with more presence of mind than I had, grabbed a rope from a dray and succeeded in getting him out, but he was unconscious.

A doctor had been called and he put the fellow across a barrel and began to churn him. A gentleman said, “Well thank God, he is saved.”


But the doctor said, “Not so fast. We have gotten him out of the river; now we must get the river out of him.”


And he proceeded to get some of that black, inky river out of the man, and get the

air into his lungs.

A lot of people in that sense are saved. They have taken hold of God by faith that when they die they will go to heaven, and live with the Lord. But there is a bigger thing than that.


The salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ is in “getting the river out of you.”

Our life can be clogged with a lot of wrong thinking that can choke us easily.

Getting the frog pond out of your SPIRIT, so it is pure and sweet like the Spirit of God.


Out of your MIND so that it is healed, and you have THOUGHTS of God and CONSCIOUSNESS of God.


All the dirty rotten filths cleansed out of you


BY the POWER of GOD.


We need to renew our mind.

Clear out all the wrong thinking.

Today, we have God’s thinking and we can be conscious of Him.

Jesus never taught any other kind.


He taught a salvation

for the SPIRIT,

for the SOUL, and

for the BODY,




Jesus came down from the hill and a large crowd followed him. A man with a bad disease of the skin came to meet him.


He went down on his knees in front of Jesus and he said, ‘Sir, IF you WANT, you can make me well again. Please do it.’

Sometimes, we doubt if Jesus wants to heal us or not.


Jesus put out his HAND towards him and

HE TOUCHED HIM. ‘I DO WANT TO HELP YOU. Be clean again,’ Jesus said. Immediately, the man's skin was clean again.

We feel we are not good enough, not worthy.

We always think Jesus will only bless and heal those who are worthy, who are good people.

These are all the Devil’s lie to stop us from receiving the physical manifestation that God wants to give us.

Jesus only scold the Pharisees; the self-righteous one.

G681 touch

Original: ἅπτω

Transliteration: haptō

Phonetic: hap'-to

Thayer Definition:

to FASTEN FIRE to a thing

Strong's Definition:

to FASTEN  to,

to SET ON FIRE:- kindle, light.


G680 touch

Original: ἅπτομαι

Transliteration: haptomai

Phonetic: hap'-tom-ahee

to fasten one's self to, adhere to, cling to

Fire is like power.

Power came out.

When Jesus touches the people with the intention of healing them, power will come out.

G2309 want

Original: θέλω ἐθέλω

Transliteration: thelō ethelo

Phonetic: thel'-o


to wish

to delight in:- desire, be disposed (forward), intend, list, love, mean, please, have rather, willing.

Chose is a very strong word.

Jesus chose the 12 disciples.

Today, God chose us to be born again.

God chose us to be His child.

There must be something that is so special inside us that He chose us.


Now we know this: God HAS FORGIVEN those people who are united with Christ Jesus. God will NEVER say that they are guilty.

Sin is no longer our master.

Horizontal and vertical relationship.

Before God, we have been declared righteous, not guilty.

Before Man, Holy Spirit will tell us how to apologise to another person.


If you belong to Christ Jesus, GOD'S SPIRIT HAS GIVEN you a NEW LIFE. God's Spirit now RULES in YOUR LIFE and he has made you FREE. Sin and death no longer have authority over you.

Another aspect of freedom is we can breathe easily.

All our problems belong to Christ.

No longer under law of sin and death.

When YOUR LIVING is in HARMONY with GOD and GOD’S WORD, You have eliminated nearly one half the causes of diseases already!


The leper's spirit, soul (mind, thoughts) and body were not in harmony with God's will to save him from the guilt of sin in his spirit and mind and heal him of the disease in his body.

When we are in harmony with God and His Word, peace comes in.

When peace comes, disease go.

"Men, by the ACTION of the WILL, take themselves out of the control of the power of the law of sin and death, and by the ACTION of their WILL place themselves consciously in union and in touch with the LAW of the SPIRIT of LIFE."

Old nature is already gone.

It comes from our spirit.

Now, we can choose from our spirit that has been born again to take what God says.

If we choose not to align with God’s Word, then we have put ourselves under the control of law.

A new law is in operation, that’s why miracles can happen.

Story of an individual about the Sixteenth Century who was known as the Flying Monk.


The peculiarity was that in certain spiritual states, the man would rise from his chair and float around the room.

On one occasion when some royalty was visiting, it is said that he ascended into the air and went out the window.


It has been reasoned that this man got himself in contact with some law of levitation, and it lifted him out of his chair and carried him out of the window.


Suppose he could have remained in touch with that law. Where would he have gone?

Back in the Old Testament the prophets went out to look for Elijah. They said, “Peradventure the Spirit of the Lord hath taken him up, and cast him upon some mountain.”


They were more intelligent about spiritual laws than this generation.


But Elisha said, “He is not in the mountains, for when I was down by the river the glory of God came down from heaven, and he stepped into the chariot and has gone on to glory.”

We walk through the life with our minds closed, our hearts centered in this old world.


How men’s hearts and lives are tied to this world.

The manager of a theater sent for me, and I prayed for three people in his office.


He said, “I have sixteen theaters and every morning I get a report from each institution by telegraph or long distance telephone giving me all the details of the conditions of business.


I am just weighted down with it.” I said, “Dear Lord, here is a man with his whole nature absorbed in this one thing, the management of a group theaters.

He has no vision of God or life or any thing.

Here is a man living in that wretched little circle, and all he knows is to keep his theater machine going.”


What are you tied to, Brothers or Sisters? A little home along the highway, or on one of those streets? You cannot take it to glory with you.


One of these days you are going to die, and there you will leave it and where will you be?

Most of us have more consideration for the old house and lot, or a few other trifles than we have for ourselves.


Jesus tried to bring that lesson to us by saying, “The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment.”

Life one day at a time.

Seek first the kingdom of God (His righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit)

Seeking God’s Word first.

The Christian stands out as the Revelation of the DIVINE POWER of Jesus Christ to COME INTO the SPIRIT of man, and change it and make it sweet and lovely like God Himself.


To come into the MIND of man, and take possession of all its faculties. To COME INTO the NATURE of man and change it BY the POWER of GOD


UNTIL his THOUGHTS are pure, holy, and lovely. To COME INTO his old diseased BODY until God’s action revolutionizes every cell of the blood.

Benjamin Franklin believed he could bottle electricity. He had a conception that it was real and tangible and could be handled.


He believed that the lightning was the same as electricity, so he made a kite and attached a key to the string.


With his hand he drew a spark from the key.

The result of this experiment revolutionized the world. Men began to study the LAWS of electricity and to APPLY them.

Jesus Christ came to REVEAL the laws of the SPIRIT and to APPLY them.


In the heart of God there is a DYNAMIC, a POWER which is GREAT ENOUGH to SAVE every man in the world, to HEAL every sick person in the world— to heal them of anything, of any degree of sin or any degree of sickness, to raise the dead.

The Power of God’s Spirit will do for you what it has done for any one else in the world.


But, beloved, you must come to God with earnestness and sincerity and faith and lay hold of it.

God’s power is available to us.

Use the power.

First part is our believe, our faith.

Do you suppose that Benjamin Franklin would have discovered electricity if he had not believed there was electricity?


You will not get any healing from heaven if you do not believe that there is any for you.


You will never get it applied to your body, or your soul or spirit so it will do you any good, until you lay hold of it intelligently and receive it.

Electricity is a flow of charged particles.

An important form of energy, electricity powers things around us. We use it every day in our homes to power lights, TVs, computers, fridges, and ovens.

What is an electrical field?


In scientific terms, a field is a device used to model physical interactions which don’t include any visible contact.


While fields cannot be seen, their impact is huge.

There are lots of different fields in the world, many of which we are unaware of.


However, there is one field that we are all aware of and impacted by: the Earth’s gravitational field.

The gravitational field of the Earth can be modelled using a set of vectors, all of which are pointing towards the centre of the Earth.


No matter where you are in the world, you can feel the FORCE pushing you towards it.

The STRENGTH of an electrical field is dependent on how FAR YOU ARE from its SOURCE.


The SOURCE is the STRONGEST point in the electric field, and the further away from this point that you move, the weaker the impact of the electric field gets.


This is applicable to the Earth’s gravitational field. The strength of the field lessens as you get further away from the centre of the Earth.

ELECTRICITY is the transfer of electrons along a wire, FIRE is the reaction of a substance with oxygen.


A yellow flame, as usually observed, is an area filled with hot carbon particles, that can CAUSE OTHER substances to IGNITE.


God raised Jesus, to make him alive again after his death. Now GOD'S SPIRIT lives IN YOU.


So God, who raised Christ from death, will also cause your human bodies to live again.

He will do that BY HIS SPIRIT who LIVES IN YOU.


When you touch someone, recognise there is God’s power inside you.

He is the living reality. Tangible.


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