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Pastor Stephanie

UNDERSTANDING GOD'S NAME "YAHWEH" and how that affects us as sons and daughters of YAHWEH in CHRIST.

When we speak God’s Word, in the light of new covenant, the Holy Spirit is the executer of the Word

Act in faith, not act in fear

Without the Holy Spirit you can do nothing

He is the God that changes not.

Lets know who is this God

In this last day there will be a revival by the power of Holy Spirit. Without Him is empty. By the power of Holy Spirit, lost souls will be brought in, in a way that many generations has not seen before.

It is warrior and not worrier

These are the people God will use. It is no longer our own strength or our own might. We will be the Joshuas who will go into the promise land and lead many others into the promise land and know who God is.

Today is understanding who God is, Yahweh.


Then the Lord said to Moses, “Now you shall see what I will do to Pharaoh.

For with a strong hand he will let them go, and with a strong hand he will drive them out of his land.”

They were the promised seeds, ,the chosen ones.

With all the disobedience they came under the Pharaoh

Pharaoh was torturing them

At that time, the children of Israel cried out to God

Each time they cried out to God, He will send a deliverer.

The God of the Jews, which today is revealed Jesus Christ.

In the name of Jesus, every spiritual eyes to be opened. To see Yahweh, see what He does


And God spoke to Moses and said to him: “I AM THE LORD.

In Hebrew it means I am Yahweh.

None of you are slaves to anyone. We were slaves to sin


I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name LORD I was not known to them.

This is the first time that God Elohim revealed the name Yahweh to His people

This is the time that God revealed to His people when they were in hardship by the Pharaoh

We have the revelation God as our Yahweh

This year we are going to be free of bondages of wrong thinking, inferiority, worries


I have also established My covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, the land of their pilgrimage, in which they were strangers.

And I have also HEARD the groaning of the children of Israel whom the Egyptians keep in bondage, and I have remembered MY COVENANT.

God heard the cries of your heart

God heard your heart

It is not the difficulties or challenges. Nothing is too hard for God

It is we overcoming the fear of not being good enough and the list is so long. That is what is called bondage.

We are sometimes out in the world where the smile is so fake.

Jesus, in His mercy and grace, His chosen people, during those days where they were under the oppression of Pharaoh

We are here in this place because we want to look to God for the answer and for the strength

The moment we come to Him, He will answer us and send us the deliverer. God is the covenant God

Sometimes the people, the children, move away from Him, but when problem comes, they go to Him. Yet because of God’s mercy, He still save us

God has forgiven all our sins

He loves us, He is good and merciful

We live our lives not as our own righteousness or goodness

We are dead to our old self (self confidence)

I am the Lord, I am Yahweh.


Therefore SAY to the children of Israel: ‘I AM THE LORD;

I will bring you OUT from under the burdens of the Egyptians,

I will rescue you from their bondage, and

I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments.

God promised the Jews He will bring them out from burden

Through Jesus Christ today, He has taken us out of the bondage, out or guilt, sin-consciousness, inferiority, panic attack.

When you go out into a door, you go into another place

When we come out of the bondage of sin, we go into another place

Out of judgement and into where? Can you say with great confidence, my God shall supply all my needs!


I will take you as My people, and I will be YOUR GOD. (YAHWEH)

THEN you shall know that I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD who brings you OUT from under the burdens of the Egyptians.

As we preach the gospel, we can say, my GOD shall supply ALL my needs!

Yahweh brought them out of under the burden of Egyptians

It is the result of man’s sin, sickness came in, unworthiness came in


And I will bring you INTO the land which I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and I will GIVE it to you as a heritage:


In the physical realm, the Jews about 2 millions of them, were slaves. How can God take them out of slaveries?

They were slaves to a group of people called Egyptians

Day and night working, that is bondage, stress!

God wants to take us out of this situation in our lives

Everyday there is something in your head that is not at rest.

Even to take one slave out of the Egyptian kingdom was not easy

The rulers there got soldiers

God said I will take you out and bring you in the land of milk and honey

You can drink freely

It is for our inheritance

Believers today also have inheritance in Christ

I am the Lord means I am Yahweh, I am Jehovah

If we don’t know “I am the Lord” we don’t know how to come out of bondages experientially

He is the Lord and Saviour


One master is Pharaoh

I am the Lord Yahweh is God as Master

Who can take 2 million people out of slavery


So Moses SPOKE thus to the children of Israel; but they did not heed Moses, because of anguish of spirit and cruel bondage.

The children of Israel did not see God

They lived all their lives under bondage of fear, fear of lack and no one take care of them

What God said, “I am going to take you out”, they did not really believe.

The people saw the man, Moses

If you see Jesus as the son of carpenter, and did not see Him as God, than we are like children of Israel, still striving

They were in many years of hard work

Isn’t that what man talk about? Hard work, hard life, hardship

Pray hard, study hard, this is self- righteousness

God wants to move us from there to see Jesus as our Saviour


And THE LORD SPOKE to Moses, saying, “GO in, TELL Pharaoh king of Egypt to let the children of Israel go out of his land.”

Go into the world, not about going to church

Go out into the world when you know who your God is

Go into the world with the supernatural power and super energy with the life of Jesus Christ!

Is believers who still know their God in the midst of re-construction and still continue worshipping God. This is the real church, not the physical building

What God says to you, it is important

Without a vision, the people perish


And it came to pass, ON the DAY THE LORD SPOKE to Moses in the land of Egypt, that THE LORD SPOKE to Moses, saying, “I AM THE LORD.

SPEAK to Pharaoh king of Egypt ALL that I SAY TO YOU.”


But Moses said before THE LORD, “Behold, I am of uncircumcised lips, and how shall Pharaoh heed me?”


So THE LORD said to Moses: “See, I HAVE MADE YOU AS God to Pharaoh, and Aaron your brother shall be your prophet.

You shall SPEAK all that I command you.

And Aaron your brother shall TELL Pharaoh to send the children of Israel OUT of his land.

God is talking to human being like us, Moses

God said is because of Moses’ God, He made Moses powerful to the devil

In Christ, that is who we are.

We are greater than the devil

Listen to God’s word, not to the devil. Emmanuel, God with us

Speak all that He command us. The year of Pei Gimbel

Speak God’s Word

Speak more of God’s word instead of speak devil’s word / the word of the world

If you were to speak supernatural word, faith-filled word

The Holy Spirit will manifest in bringing about miracles into our lives and the lives of others

Speak God’s word and not worldly wisdom


And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and multiply My signs and My wonders in the land of Egypt.

But Pharaoh will not heed you, so that I may lay My hand on Egypt and bring My armies and My people, the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments.


Then Moses and Aaron did so; just as THE LORD commanded them,

so they did.

And Moses was EIGHTY years old and Aaron EIGHTY-THREE years old when they spoke to Pharaoh.

Where is Egypt today? All inside the head of every believers

Build the spirit-man

It is regardless of age, young or old, everyone can be used by God to save souls

You are a gimbel, filled with God’s compassion.

How did God deliver them?







Skin inflection is a curse, don’t live with it. Speak to the skin inflection until it goes

God showed His mighty hands

All are supernatural

Hands have meaning

Jesus supernaturally defeated the devil and He set us free

Freedom from not being good enough, and all these are evidence of what we act in our lives

Ancient Name: Yad

Pictograph: Arm and closed hand

Meanings: Work, Throw, Make, The meaning of this letter is work, make and throw; the functions of the hand.

Yad has a meaning

By His mighty hand, He set His people free

The function of the hand

When God delivered the children of Israel, He was showing His power, the mighty hand

PSALM 136:10-14 NKJV

To Him who struck Egypt in their firstborn, For His mercy endures forever;

And brought out Israel from among them, For His mercy endures forever;

With a STRONG HAND, and with an outstretched arm, For His mercy endures forever;

To Him who divided the Red Sea in two, For His mercy endures forever;

And made Israel pass through the midst of it, For His mercy endures forever;

Supernatural display of the almighty God

Read your bible with the eyes of Holy Spirit, don’t see it just as a story

With a strong hand, the Yad, God don’t need big big power things.

The letter Heh / Hei, is the fifth of the Hebrew Alphabet, and its numerical value is 5.

The Heh letter meaning in describes its construction, as a Dalet and a foot. 

If we don’t know God as the One with the mighty hand, as the one with signs and wonders, we don’t know we can do

We are all filled with the same Holy Spirit who lives inside us. He is the One who does all the mighty works

The first letter is her

Are we going to see God as powerful or God as cannot do much

Yad is very important when we want to come out of Egypt and bondage

See that God’s hand is more powerful than our bosses hands to give us salary

God can change government, can do all the signs and wonders

Read again the miracles that Jesus did

Don’t put God back into the box

The letter hei is 5

5 is not only grace

God’s name got two hei inside

Hei must be a very important letter.

God’s name has 2 hei

Dalet and a foot

The sage is taught the Gimel, which means to give, gives as it were part of its foot to the Dalet, the poor person, and that becomes the next letter the Hei.

So, it represents a unification of giving and receiving, therefore it’s a letter of great unity and completeness.


Then Joseph said unto the people, Behold, I have bought you this day and your land for Pharaoh:

LO, here is seed for you, and ye shall sow the land.

H1887 LO

Original: הא

Transliteration: hê'

Phonetic: hay

behold!, lo!

Behold, see, look! That is the word Hei

Hei means behold, see! It is like the window

Spiritual eyes open

Here is the seed for you, and you shall sow the land

The name of the letter HEI  appears in the verse, "Take [hei] for yourselves seed."

"Take" (hei) expresses revelation of self in the act of giving of oneself to another.

Giving to others in the form of self-expression is the ultimate gift of self.

What is your life made of?

Money time

He gave all to us, the humanity

In the secret of the letter gimmel, the rich man gives of himself to the poor man in the form of charity.

The highest form of charity is when the giver is completely concealed from the receiver, in order not to embarrass him, as is said, "the concealed gift subdues anger."

We are not giving money to someone to the poor. We give of ourselves

He gave of His time

Everything we own, to the poor man

We give from our hearts, our time

In our hearts, we have given ourselves to God

Here, in the secret of the letter hei, the gift itself is the relation and expression of self, drawing the receiver into the essence of the giver.

Joseph, the speaker of the verse "take for yourselves seed," corresponds to the sefirah of yesod, whose function is to express self in the form of giving seed, as explained in Kabbalah.

Grain to eat

Seed to sow

Jesus gave us His life

That seed came into our spirit, it is supposed to bring forth life and not only to ourselves but to others as well

When Joseph first gave grain to his brothers, they were unable to recognize him, similar to the dalet in relation to the gimlet.

Upon his revelation to his brothers (and thereby to all of Egypt), his giving became that of the hei.

Instead of grain he now gave seed.

The brothers of Joseph did not recognise him when he gave to his brothers

Instead of grain, he now gave seeds

They saw God, the vision in the giving

Gimbel giving to Dalet is not boasting our abilities to give

Jesus came when no one knew Him

The way He was born, was in the manger

It was a quiet night, that is why it was called silent night

The second coming of Jesus will be fulfilled very soon

Jesus was self-less from day 1

He filled each of us, to be gimel of the world

Hidden, gives seed, without obligation

While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us

While we don’t recognise Him, going our own way, He came for us

May we see. See, behold! Hei!

He put down Himself

He was like the grain which fell to the ground

He was stripped of all humanity, He humbled Himself and took the form of man, so He can take our sins and we did not even recognise Him when He was born 2000 years ago

Seed is anything that can be sown

Life inside us, we can now put sins into other people’s lives

The soul possesses three means of expression–"garments," in the terminology of the Kabbalah and Chassidut: thought, speech, and action.

The higher garment, thought, is the expression of one's inner intellect and emotions to oneself.

There are 3 parts, thought, speech and action

Whatever we think will bring forth the corresponding emotions

The thought life is the soul realm

You fill the emotion of happiness

This will not be expressed without speech

Until you say out, that is expression!

You speak out and people know

The three lines which compose the form of the hei correspond to these three garments: the upper horizontal line to thought; the right vertical line to speech; the unattached foot to action.

The horizontal line symbolizes a state of equanimity.

The continuous, horizontal flow of thought is the contemplation of how G d is found equally in every place and in every thing.

The origin-point of speech, the right vertical line of the hei is directly connected to the line of thought and thereafter descends to express one's thoughts and inner feelings to others.

Today man can use this. Thoughts have become corrupted because of sin

First everyone must be born again

Concentrate on building the mind part

First start with spirit

They have not really understand the spirit yet

Spirit soul body

Spirit first



We conclude we are poor, the 5 senses telling us

I am rich in Christ

Action is in our giving

If we are rich we can give

If we see ourselves as poor, how to give

The root of the word speech in Hebrew, davar, means "leadership," as in the expression "There is one leader [dabar] in a generation,

not two leaders in a generation."

Leadership implies hierarchy, relative positions of up and down,

and thus is represented by a vertical line.

In the heI , God is our main leader. He is the King.

From generation to generation there is no other God

The King, and likewise every leader, rules through his power of speech, as is said, "By the word of the King is His sovereignty."

The separation of action, the unattached left foot of the hei, from thought, the upper horizontal line, reflects a deep truth about the nature of action.

"Many are the thoughts in the heart of man, yet the advice of God shall surely stand."

Put His thoughts into our action and our mind

Think like God

The carnal mind is enemy with God

The servant of God experiences the existential gap between

his thoughts and deeds.

Often he is unable to realize his inner intentions.

Other times he is surprised by unexpected success.

In both cases he feels the hand of God directing his deeds.

The gap is the experience of the Divine Nothing, the source of all Creation in deed: something from nothing.

We have now reached the culmination of the sequence represented by the three letters gimmel, dalet, and hei, the process of giving of oneself to another.

The gift, represented by the foot, the unattached segment of hei, when fully integrated in the receiver, becomes his own power of action and giving of himself to others.

Even more, now he fully realizes that the ultimate effect and potency of his deeds are in truth the act of Divine Providence.

It is I who give to you, for you to give to others

First we receive, now we have the seed inside us

To give of ourselves to others

The power comes from the giver

We give after we receive from Gimel (Jesus), He gave everything and did not hold back

His love is unconditional

Divine providence is what Jesus wants to give us


Three lines; the two lines of the dalet together with an unattached left foot.


Three dimensions of physical reality:

Width – horizontal line,

Length – vertical line,

Depth – unattached foot.

There is a dimension of reality beyond initial sensory perception.

"We will do and understand."


Three garments ("servants") of the soul:

Thought (meditative or involuntary) – horizontal line,

Speech (from the heart or from the lips) – vertical line,

Action – unattached foot.

The body is the one that carries out the action

Now is our body decide what to do

If we have the thoughts of God and the word of God from the heart, we now rule.

Give with joy without fear

Our body takes the action


Three Divine manifestations:

Essence – horizontal line,

Transcendent Light – vertical line,

Immanent Light – unattached foot.


To be broken; to take seed; behold; revelation.


Breaking of the vessels and the resulting plurality of Creation.

The teacher breaking the brilliance of his comprehension for the sake of the student.

Broken existence resulting in unified existence.

He was broken so that we don’t need to be broken

The Yad. God is infinite

He came down in the form of man so that we can understand who God is


Impregnating reality with the souls of Israel.


Divine revelation – "Beholding" God.

Ultimate revelation of the Mashiach.

Holy Spirit as the teacher

Breaking down the simple for the sake of the students

Yod Hey Vav Hey and God’s Name

When you take the name of God, and you permute it in a different order, it spells out HVHY (Havaya), and many people refer to God with this name.

Havaya is a word of being, because God brings everything into being, and as essential name is very connected to this idea of essence and being.

A further manifestation of the letter hey regards time, because God who is above time and space brings time into being thus, the words in Hebrew for past present and future, are all connected to the letter Hei.

So, God’s name is hinting to, that all being, all time, all reality,

is animated by God’s infinite light.

Shape of The Letter Hei

When you look at the shape of the letter Hey, you will notice that it’s made of three distinct lines, and we’re told that this represents breadth, length, and depth, because the expression in the level of worlds, in space is made up of three dimensions.

The three lines which compose the form of the hei correspond to these three garments: the upper horizontal line to thought; the right vertical line to speech; the unattached foot to action.

See God, see the goodness of God through the nail

The nail points to Yahweh, our Creator

All expression will see follows these three levels.

That’s why we have what’s called, thought, speech, and action.

Each one of these is an expression of revealing a person’s inner essence, through speech, and through action. 

God also on the level of divinity has these three levels.

One is called essence, one is the transcendent nature of God, and one is the imminent nature of God.

In other words there is an essence of God that transcends all time-space and all concept, and then you have a transcendent level of God, that as it were surrounds the world, and then you have an imminent revelation and expression of God that fills all of the worlds.

Revealing we are a person when we can think, speak and act

God also on the level of divinity has these three levels.

One is called essence, one is the transcendent nature of God, and one is the imminent nature of God.

In other words there is an essence of God that transcends all time-space and all concept, and then you have a transcendent level of God, that as it were surrounds the world, and then you have an imminent revelation and expression of God that fills all of the worlds.

Hebrew letter hei

Meaning: revelation, take seed, be broken

See and see again

See the hand of God

Behold - Nail - Behold - Hand

He is a supernatural God

Don’t bring Him down

He is a creator


This is My name forever and this is My memorial unto ALL GENERATIONS

Behold the hand, behold the nail

I am Yahweh, that is My name, I will not give My glory to another or My praise to idols

I, even I am Yahweh and beside Me, there is no Saviour

See Yahweh

The cross is the demonstration of the unconditional love of Jesus Christ

A simple song that reveal the song

Yahweh, the beginner who opens our eyes

God does not want us to live in fear

Behold the cross again.

We can now walk and see and give to others the same wonderful good news

The seed that grows inside us, and bear fruit

Behold the cross, behold yahweh

How blessed we are, we are redeemed from the slavery of Egypt, redeemed of stress

Thought speech and action

Goodness of God

2 hei there!

See the good God

He will give us the peace, the joy that this world cannot give.

We rest in Him and He will be able to give us rest !



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