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Pastor Stephanie

Sermon note

Pastor Stephanie




and how that affects us as sons and daughters of the supreme ELOHIM in CHRIST.

When God becomes real in your life, you have passion for life. You want to live with a purpose, no more just live until die or see your children and grandchildren.

Check your own purpose in life. Is it very physical based or spiritual?


In the beginning GOD created the heaven and the earth.

The root word of "Elohim" is "El," and is used numerous times in the Scriptures to refer to Yahweh God.

This root word is composed of two letters: Aleph (Hebrew  א)  and Lamed (Hebrew  ל).

A shepherd must have a staff. It represents their authority

Strongest animal that can pull everything is ox.

An ox can pull and carry something 900kg..1.5 times its weight

No matter how heavy the burden, our God can carry us

God is strong, and He has authority. He has the shepherd staff

El and Lamed

Today it is the understand of who is God which will change and affects your life

The way you bring out God is different when you know God, the mighty one.

The high, owner of the sky and the land.

Genesis 14:19And he blessed him and said:

“Blessed be Abram of God Most High,Possessor of heaven and earth;

See EL, He owns the whole heaven and the earth.

He is my strength and power 2 Sam 22:33

God is my strength and power,

And He makes my way perfect.

He owns the sky and the land and He is full of strength and power.

Gen 35: 9-12Then God appeared to Jacob again, when he came from Padan Aram, and blessed him. And God said to him, “Your name is Jacob; your name shall not be called Jacob anymore, but Israel shall be your name.” So He called his name Israel. Also God said to him: “I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall proceed from you, and kings shall come from your body. The land which I gave Abraham and Isaac I give to you; and to your descendants after you I give this land.”

El Shaddai means God Almighty

To us, what is almighty? The pay check? The boss?

Jacob changing his name to Israel which means God prevails.

Israel will rule

Israel will become a nation that is superior to all the other nations. Rule as God, the higher being, the power being.

The word "El" in Hebrew represents the idea of "one who is strong and has authority," or "a STRONG one with GREAT AUTHORITY."

The original Hebrew symbol for the letter aleph is a symbol of an ox head.

It represents strength, force, power.

Israel means God prevails and they will rule as God

Those who have received the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by One, Jesus Christ

When we receive Holy Spirit, we receive His power.

Are you just satisfy that He is the God of Abraham?

He is the same God yesterday today and forever

He never change!

The original Hebrew symbol for the letter Lamed looks like a J, and is a symbol of the shepherd's staff.

The staff represents the shepherd of a flock, who has authority over the sheep who are entrusted to him.

Let Holy Spirit teach you. Let Him speaks to you

You are serving a God with authority. He is the One who guides us.

So, together, aleph and lamed come together to form the idea of "strong authority" or "a strong one who has authority."

From the root word "El" comes the word "Eloha" (translated into English as "god"), and the plural form "Elohim" (translated into English as God or gods).

Strong one who has authority

Yahweh is Elohim

There are plenty of places in the Scriptures where Yahweh is referred to as "Elohim," but why is the plural form used?

One perspective says that using the plural form better represents the threefold nature of Yahweh: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Another perspective says that using the plural form represents a higher form of strength, implying that God is the "strongest one with the most authority."

God is a triune entity, and he is more powerful than any other being that has power.

Elohim is the Hebrew word for God

Humans are sometimes referred to as "elohim" in the Scriptures.


I have said, Ye are gods (elohim); and all of you are children of the most High.

"How could a human have the same title as the Almighty?"

Elohim is not God's personal name.

It is actually one of his titles or descriptors.

God means a powerful being.

God created man in the image of God in the garden.

God made Adam and Eve in the image of God, a higher being than just a human being


Defination from dictionary:-

- a person who embodies in the flesh a deity, spirit, or quality:

- (in Christian theology) the embodiment of God the Son in human flesh as Jesus Christ.

Jesus came, born in human flesh, He is God

Extract from "The Father and His Family" by E. W. Kenyon

Incarnation means that Deity has become united with humanity in an individual.

JESUS was not generated after the common laws of nature.

Jesus was born by Holy Spirit without man’s seed

Jesus was not generated that way

Spirit man


And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. (or reality).

The Incarnation is the most striking miracle of creation; yet from Heaven's point of view and man's need it is inevitable.

The teaching of Incarnation is not out of harmony with human desire or tradition.

It has been believed in by all tribes and peoples in some form.

The Universal Man has craved Incarnation.

This is proved by man's drinking blood and by cannibalism, by the naming of his kings after the titles of his deities, and by the universal reverence of the thing offered on the altars of the gods.

Incarnation is supernatural, but all peoples believe in the supernatural.

Education cannot eliminate man's fundamental yearning for and belief in the supernatural.

Incarnation is God's answer to the cry of the Universal Man for a visit of Deity to the earth and for a union with Deity.

The Incarnation is the only solution of the human problem.

Since the fall of man the human has steadily been sinking lower and lower intellectually, morally, and spiritually, and the only hope is for Deity's union with humanity to bring man back to his lost estate.

The Incarnation should be desired by every sane man when he understands it, for it offers to humanity a hope, and without it man is hopeless.

Every false religion that denies the Incarnation of Jesus of Nazareth has attempted to provide a theory of universal Incarnation in order to stimulate to a higher moral and spiritual life.

Theosophy tries to make us believe that all men have the nature of Deity.

The same thing is held by practically all our modern liberal theological teachers and preachers!

That the so-called "Spark of Divinity" dwells in all men, that the New Birth is simply the awakening, the blowing-into-a-flame, of this spark of Divinity.

If man had a spark of Deity or any part of Deity abiding in him, then man was already God Incarnate.

We know that this theory is fallacious, for humanity has experimentally proven it false.

The entire New Testament contradicts it.

If we accept any of the Bible, we must accept it all.

The Incarnation of Jesus of Nazareth is no more difficult to believe nor to understand than the creation of the first man or the birth of a child.

When we take His blood, Elohim, we are like Him. He lives in us. It signifies that. The world wants to be incarnated to become stronger. We partake of His blood, He lives in us.

People believe in supernatural.

incarnation is the only solution to human’s problem

Man after Adam’s sin lost all dominion and power

Man even in their fallen stage crave incarnation, they want to be like God. It is inbuilt in them

We are not normal human being. There is power in us

Man was created like God

Satan is called the “small god”

After the fall, man could not become like god again

Dual nature and sin nature

We only have one nature. Revelation of God through the Word

If God is Almighty, He had power to beget a child in the womb of the Virgin Mary.

If Jesus was Incarnate, Man and God can become united;

God can dwell in these human bodies of ours;

God can impart His own life and nature to our spirits,

and we may have GOD'S LIFE in these human bodies.

If we do receive Eternal Life for our spirits, then we have positive assurance that these bodies will become Immortal at the return of the Lord Jesus.

We cannot conceive of any man's desiring to doubt the Incarnation, as it offers the only solution of life's mystery; it gives the reason for man's being; it makes life with its burdens, sorrows, and grief which culminate in death tolerable; it throws light upon this human problem that can come from no other source.

The Incarnation has been the craving of the Universal Man, and if Jesus of Nazareth was Incarnate, the universal cry has found its answer in Christianity.

The Incarnation is the basic miracle of Christianity.

It proves the Pre-existence of Christ and is the foundation and reason for all subsequent miraculous manifestations of divine power.

Man's condition demands an Incarnation, because he is spiritually dead and without an approach to God.

The Incarnation of Deity with humanity will provide a Substitute of Deity and humanity united on such a ground that the Incarnate One can stand as man's mediator, being equal with God on the one hand and united with man on the other; He can bring the two together.

The answer to man

The real incarnation is Jesus Christ.

Again, being Deity and humanity united, He can assume the obligations of human treason, satisfy the claims of justice, and thereby bridge the chasm between God and man.

It was not satan took from Adam, Adam gave satan. The whole creation came under the power of the devil because of that.

A just have to be fair to both sides. The right was taken by satan through willing by Adam.

So now we need to find a way where we can be justified

God Himself sent Jesus to become Man

He has to take the punishment of sin. One of His law, is whatever sin shall die.

He sent Jesus. He became our substitute, sin to be punished

Jesus came down as a Son of God

At the cross, He did not ask His angels to save Him. He wanted to save us

God your Word said that whoever sin must die

If Jesus did not legally restore us, we will feel ashamed. We did not escape. We went through God’s law that we had to die, and Jesus did it for us

God gave us the right standing which we did not have.

All that we did, if Jesus did not pay for our sins, we have to bow down to the devil.

Because of what Jesus did, we now have upper hand.

Jesus set us free

Jesus has satisfied the claims of justice

Justice demand that sinner men pay for his sin

Now Jesus has satisfied that claim.

The judge satisfied

Therefore man can now be with God again

Gen. 3:15 is God's first promise of Incarnation.

It is given in His conversation with Satan just after the Fall.

"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; He shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel."

Let us notice four remarkable promises or statements in this sentence.

First, "I will put enmity between thee and the woman," that is, there will be enmity between Satan and the woman.

This is proved by woman's history; she has been the special object of Satanic hatred and malice in all ages; she has borne the

brunt of the Fall;

she has been the burden bearer among all peoples;

she has been bought and sold as common chattel.

In India today she is not worth as much as a cow in the open market; only where Christianity has reached the hearts of a country has woman ever received any treatment that would lift her above the brute creation.

She is unwanted at birth, the plaything of man's passions, the neglected, the outcast, the sufferer, and in Christian countries she is the heir of our diseases and the victim of the divorce court.

Doctors tell us that 95 per cent of all the hospital cases are of the women; 22 per cent of the married women of this country suffer on account of their husband's having sowed "wild oats," and "sowing wild oats" means sowing our manhood for Satan's reaping.

"I will put enmity between thy seed and her seed: "Satan's seed is the unregenerate human race; woman's seed is Christ.

Christ was hunted from His babyhood by Satan's seed until finally they nailed Him to the Cross, and from the Resurrection of Jesus until this day, the Church has been the subject of the bitterest persecutions and enmity of the world.

Second, I want you to notice that remarkable term, "the seed of woman."

We know that woman has no seed; the seed is of the man; therefore what can this mean?

It is a prophecy that woman shall give birth to a child independent of natural generation, that it shall be called the "seed of woman."

This is not a Hebraism for the term does not occur anywhere else throughout the entire Hebrew Scriptures.

This is a direct statement of fact. That there shall be a "seed of woman," and that seed, Paul tells us, is "The Christ."

"And He shall bruise thy head," that is the head of Satan.

In all Oriental languages, "bruising the head" means breaking the Lordship of a ruler.

Devil is the ruler of this world, not over us. The devil don’t have claim in our lives.

If you start believing his lies, he will give you pain and sickness

Satan’s head has been bruised

Satan has just come into his Dominion; he has the Dominion that God had given to man, and he is going to exercise this Dominion without any interruption until this wonderful Seed of woman comes, who is going to break his Lordship.

This is a remarkable prophecy, and how clearly it found fulfillment:

first, in Jesus' bitter persecution which finds its culmination in His death on the Cross,

and then in the persecution of the Church which is the Body of Christ, and which is carrying out the will of Christ on the earth.

Our Saviour is Jesus Christ. The devil knows.

You will go out as flames of fire! You are serving spiritual kingdom. Bold as a lion!

The long ages of persecution of the Church by the seed of Satan is today merely a matter of history.

"The heel," is the Church in its earth walk.

In the 20th verse of the same chapter, "The man called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all living."

The church today in many parts is so weak.

The heel, the church. The grace and goodness of God raising up men and women of God who will raise up and no more be the ones who are swayed to and fro and worried about things of this world.

The word Eve in the Hebrew is "Havvah," which literally means the living one, or the mother of the life-giver.

Here God tells man that his wife shall be the mother of life, or the mother of "the life-giving One," our Christ.

Divine life! Not just emotion. We are supernatural. We need to feed our spirit man

We can be the instrument to give life and hope to others

JOHN 8:54-55 NKJV

Jesus answered, “If I honor Myself, My honor is nothing.

It is My Father who honors Me, of whom you say that He is your God.

Yet you have not known Him, but I know Him.

And if I say, ‘I do not know Him,’ I shall be a liar like you; but I do know Him and keep His word.

JOHN 8:56-57 NKJV

Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he SAW it and was GLAD.”

Then the Jews said to Him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?”

JOHN 8:58-59 NKJV

Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”

Then they took up stones to throw at Him; but Jesus hid Himself and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

YOCHANAN 8:58-59 TOJB2011

Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, Omein, omein, I say to you, before Avraham came into being, ANI HU.

Then they took up stones that they might stone him, but Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach WAS HIDDEN and departed out of the Beis Hamikdash.


And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.”

And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ”

JOHN 5:18 KJV 

Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.


Because of this, therefore, those of Yehudah were seeking all the more to kill Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, because not only was he mechallel Shabbos, but also Rebbe was saying that his own Av was Hashem, thereby making himself EQUAL with ELOHIM.

Jesus Is God. The jews wanted to kill Him because they think He claimed to be God

Who equal to Elohim? When you mediate on this everyday, you will be different. Meditate, keep on listening to sermon and read the Word.

Jesus is equal to God

ISAIAH 46:9-10 KJV 

Remember the former things of old:

for I AM GOD, and there is none else;

I AM GOD, and there is none like me,

DECLARING the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying,


The plan of redemption. Sickness has no more power over us.

Our redemption right in Christ

The meaning of ELOHIM in Hebrew is "one who is strong and has authority," and that the word is sometimes used to refer to God, and other times it refers to humans.

Joy, rejoicing. Live a life free from condemnation

When God promises He will supply us of all our needs, start giving thank! This is the faith He is looking for.

Take it with a childlike faith.

He promises us that He will supply all our needs, why are you still so scare?

Begin to testify and speak up

He is our Shepherd, trust Him

God is working for us, no against us

He is going to bring us from glory to glory

He is the greater One

1. How does this knowledge affect the way you live your life?

2. Does it encourage you to know that YOU are IN CHRIST a strong one who has authority?

3. How can you use this God-given power and authority to bless God and build his kingdom?

Meditate and ponder over it

God word is powerful. We humble ourselves before God. Grace choose us



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