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Pastor Deborah


Original: נשׁר

Transliteration: nesher

Phonetic: neh'-sher

Strong's Definition: to lacerate; the eagle

(or other large bird of prey):- eagle.

There is some historical confusion between the eagle (Ne-sher) and the vulture (A-yit) in regard to their Hebrew names.

This confusion has not been resolved until this very day and you’ll find conflicting definition in all world dictionaries.

The main difference between the two birds besides ornithological comparisons is that the Eagle is a predator whereas the vulture is a scavenger, feeding chiefly on carrion and reputed to gather with others in anticipation of the death of a sick or injured animal or person.

Although they may look alike, there is a major difference between the two that is well noticed in Biblical Hebrew.

The Eagle is viewed symbolically as a positive bird to the extent that it is compared to God protecting His people:

“As an eagle stirs up its nest, flutters over its young, spreads out its wings, takes them, bears them on its pinions”

Deut. 32:11

This powerful imagery inspired the adaptation of the bald eagle as the U.S. national emblem in June 20, 1782.

The mere name comes from the root “na-shar,” which mean “to fall out,” “to be bald.”

Lion of Judah

Lion speaks of Jesus as King, as well as boldness

Judah - praise

His kingdom is the kingdom where people are praising God

Full of praises because of who He is.

This leaves no doubt about America’s choice of its emblem—very biblical, reflecting the godliness of our forefathers.

The eagle carries the character of a mighty warrior, and at the same time it is the protecting fatherly manifestation of God.

The last two letters of the Hebrew word “ne-sher” mean “a prince,” “a mighty warrior.”

What does the eagle represent to the Hebrew?

Exodus 19:4 EASY

“You yourselves have seen what I did against the Egyptians.

You know how I took care of you.

I carried you carefully, like an eagle carries her babies on her wings.

I brought you here to come to me.

In Exodus 19:4 and Deuteronomy 32:11 the eagle represents God and his loving care towards Israel.

In both descriptions we read about God bringing his people out of Egypt and into Canaan as if on the wings of an eagle.

God promises to take care of us

This is the Hebrew word for eagle: nesher.

The letters from right to left are “Nun, shin, resh.”

נ : Nun is a picture of a fish.

A Jew without a Torah is like a fish without water. – Unknown.

Ministering not from your own knowledge, it is the holy spirit.

How important is the Torah to a Jew?

How important is the Bible to you?

From an early age, Jews indulge in memorization and study as if, without it, they won’t be able to CONTINUE LIVING.

And though it sounds legalistic and maybe “too religious” for western Christians, there’s something we can learn from their dedication.

Despite what they feel or don’t feel, they dedicate a huge portion of their life to it.

This doesn’t mean we must change our cultures and entire lifestyles, but we can learn and apply a similar principle.

When you dedicate yourself to something, even slightly, your subconscious mind will remind you when it’s time to direct your focus on it.

For example, we dedicate time for our chores, meals, social life, social media, and entertainment etc., to where it becomes a standard in our life.

Our daily habits and routines are standards we’ve set through constant dedication and commitment.

The 14th Hebrew Letter NUN represents a fish.

The word Nun actually means fish in Aramaic and signifies ACTIVITY and LIFE .

2 Corinthians 5:17 EASY

When anyone belongs to Christ, they become a new person.

Their old way of life has gone.

Their NEW LIFE has begun!

Ephesians 4:24 EASY

Take up the new nature that God has prepared for you.

That nature is like God's own nature.

Then you will live in a truly good way that pleases God.

If you are alive in your spirit, your spirit wants to do something

A new life has begun

Romans 6:6 EASY

We know that God has caused our old nature to die with Christ on the cross.

This happened so that God could make us free from the power of sin in our lives.

We are no longer like slaves who have sin as their master.

A fish subconsciously relies on the water it lives in, but it also follows an instinctual pattern (life-cycle) to survive in its world.

In a similar way, we rely on Christ for our new life in Him, but we must also obey His Word to experience it in fullness.

We do this by obeying His commands, studying the Word, and turning to Him by prayer in every season.

Psalm 119:105-112 shows us how to rely on, remain in, and rest in God’s Word by obeying it.

V105 - Your WORD is a LAMP to my feet and a LIGHT to my path.

LAMP - ניר nı̂yr nir nêyr nêr nêrâh

PSALM 119:105-112 NUN


We have many resources available to us to help us study, understand, and learn the Bible today.

We must learn to rely on the Word for what it is and trust God that He will help us understand it.

We have resources, use it to rely mainly on the word of God

Think about the earlier centuries, when they didn’t have the technology advancements and information overload like we do.

The limited amount of resources and even vocabulary left them no choice but to go to the Source to understand the Word given to them. Their pursuit to connect with God helped them rely on the Word in all circumstances.

One way to learn how to rely on the Word is to set aside time to read it alone.

Without other resources.

And while reading it, trust it to be the lamp to your feet and light to your path (verse 105).

Let it guide you on your path as you trust God to understand it.

Lamps help us see our current steps while also lighting the path for our next few.

What is most valuable to you?

The word of God


To remain in the Word, one must commit to it.

But sadly, many people run from it for various reasons.

Fear, disagreement, misunderstanding, and other things drive people away.

But in order to understand it better, we must commit to all that it brings (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

In verses 106, 108, and 109, the psalmist seems to remind himself that he commits to God’s laws.

He’s ready to keep, learn, and remember what it says so that he can live a life that’s pleasing to God.

Commit to do the necessary

You’ll never find a fish trying to jump out of the water to get away from it and, like so, we shouldn’t find a Christian running away from the Word and into the world where it’s dry.

John Trapp puts it this way: “We, silly fishes, see one another jerked out of the pond of life by the hand of death; but we see not the frying pan and the fire that they are cast into, that ‘die in their sins,’ and refuse to be reformed.”

We must pursue a life that is worthy of the calling we received.

Otherwise, if we remain neutral about God’s Word, we’ll “swim” in unhealthy ways and remain underdeveloped, unfruitful, and unwilling to embrace the full will of God.

When you read the WORD and get familiar with GOD’S WILL and HIS WAY, your DECISIONS REFLECT HIM.

Challenge yourself to study the word intentionally, ask questions, and get familiar with the truth.

So that when you have to make decisions (do life from your hand) you remain in God’s Word and ultimately, His will.


Life in Christ doesn’t mean we won’t go through trials and storms.

A fish will go through the weathers that stirs up the waters, too.

Not only that, but there are predators in the water and outside.

People, circumstances, and situations life brings will come against you as well.

When you inherit something, you’re protected by a will set in place.

We can find God’s will in His word and trust its protection for our life and get rest in all situations.

Though there are external trials and storms that we weather through life, there are also internal areas of strife and affliction caused by our fellow-Christians.

God's word will never disappear or pass away

The Word tells me by His stripe we are healed

Just like Jesus had pharisees and Sadducees against him, we will come across people that are in the same faith but against us.

And sometimes the tables turn and you’re against someone.

Here’s the trick though: not wandering from His precepts.

If a fish wanders from its “school” it will come across other fish who are bigger, smaller, meaner, and different from them.

We also come across people who differ from us.

From different upbringings, cultures, and beliefs, to political, social, and economic views, we’re all different.

But despite potential conflicts, we can find ways to resolve and mend relationships by not wandering from God’s Word.

There will be traps, but it’s our duty to not wander.

To stay close to the word, God’s will, and your “school of fish” (trustworthy relationships where you can get wisdom, council, and help).

The best part is to work for HIm

He will take care of my bills

Let the Word wash us clean again

Ultimately, relying on, remaining in, and resting in God’s Word results in our obedience to God.

When we take the time to read it for what it is, study it to know the TRUTH, and find protection in it when we face hard times, we build a foundational layer of trust in God to live our lives for His glory.

Just like a fish subconsciously trusts in the water to live its life, TRUST the WORD to become more like Christ.

God took us into His ocean of love, giving the inheritance of life in Him to those who believe.

In this life, hidden in Christ, there is JOY within the Word.

But this joy is a byproduct of our obedience.

Revelation after revelation, grace after grace, wave after wave, we get washed by the Word and receive the ultimate joy of being found in Him.

Our inheritance comes with responsibility, stewardship, humility, and work (along with faith).

Faith in Him is the first part of it, but we must respond and also put this faith into action through obedience.

Jesus said, if you love me, you’ll obey my commands.

And what better way to respond than to “swim” in obedience towards the life He called us to.

ש : Shin means “Shaddai,” as in El Shaddai.

This Name of God in particular is a very interesting one.

It paints a picture of a nurturing mother, like an eagle protecting and sheltering her young;

The One who supplies and He does not run out

God almighty is al-sufficient one

God's protection

The letter in its Paleo-Hebrew form looks like a pair of teeth, or the letter ‘w’.

Something sharp, to destroy, to consume, or to devour.

Psa 119:161 KJV


Princes have persecuted me without a cause: but my heart standeth in awe of thy word.

Psalms 119:161 begins with the Hebrew word, “sarim,” meaning, “princes.”

The root word, “sar,” consists of a shin and a resh. שׂר

Put them together and you get a ‘devouring man,’ or, ‘a devourer of men.’

This definition is like unto Ephesians 2:2, which introduces us to the ‘prince and power of the air,’ who seeks “to steal, to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10).

Satan and his princes need no cause to persecute God’s children.

But “blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake” (Matthew 5:10).

Persecution is a normal part of the faithful believer’s life.

The next verse begins with ‘sus,’ meaning, ‘to rejoice’ or, ‘to delight.’

Psa 119:162 KJV

I rejoiceשׂישׂ at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil.

This word is made of a double sheen.

It looks like four teeth in a row when it is written.

What can you say about a person if you can see four of their teeth?

It means they are smiling, or perhaps laughing.

This word is also used of the sun in Psalm 19:5, who “rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.”

Think of how much the sun is rejoicing, putting out so much radiance that every square meter of the earth is baked with 1000 watts when it faces the sun.

That is how much rejoicing the Word of God deserves to have from us, who have had our eyes enlightened to understand it.

‘Sheqer' begins the next verse.

This word is translated as ‘lying.’

In Hebrew Word Pictures, this word is defined as “destruction at the back of a person,” consisting of a shin, a qoof, and a resh. שׁקר

Resh is used in an Israeli phrase; after a child says something false, one may say "B'Shin Quf, Resh" (With Shin, Quf, Resh). These letters spell Sheqer, which is the Hebrew word for a lie.

It would be akin to an English speaker saying "That's an L-I-E.”

Therefore, lying is defined as stabbing a person in the back.

There is a second consecutive ‘shin’-word in this verse; it being ‘saneti.’

This word means, ‘I hate.’

The letters of this word give the idea of showing one’s teeth against a strong covenant.

This verse has ‘shin’ used in two different ways; one in a description of evil, and one in hating what God hates.

Verse 164 begins with, ‘sheba,’ meaning, ‘seven,’

This number is the sum of three and four.

Three represents God or the Trinity.

Four represents creation.

So the number seven combines three and four; that is, God entering His creation.

So we think of seven as the number of Christ.

Seven also represents completion or perfection, since there are seven days in a week.

Your spirit is made perfect

We are not perfect in our own self.

God's perfection come into us

The next verse starts with ‘shalom,’ meaning, ‘peace.’

This word consists of a shin, a lamed, a vav, and a mem.

Frank Seekins defines this word as to “destroy the authority who establishes chaos.”

God’s peace is long lasting, being spiritual in nature, and not depending on external circumstances.

ר : Resh means “Head, think, or meditate.

Jesus is peace Himself

Notice that the letter “Shin” is in the middle of the word with “Nun” on one side and “Resh” on the other side.

The word pictures tell us that a believer is like an eagle when you think and meditate on El Shaddai, the One Who preserves, protects, and provides for you.

This makes you soar like the eagle!

Isaiah 40:31 AMP

But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him]

Will gain new strength and renew their power;

They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun];

They will run and not become weary,

They will walk and not grow tired.

They will run and not be weary, walk and not go tired

Fish will multiply

length of days multiply to you

Spiritual eagle and live the new creation life



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