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Pastor Deborah


Original: קוה

Transliteration: QÂVÂH

Phonetic: kaw-vaw'

Strong's Definition:

to BIND TOGETHER (perhaps by TWISTING), that is, COLLECT; to EXPECT:- GATHER (together), LOOK, PATIENTLY, TARRY, WAIT (for, on, upon).


If you are alone, one person might attack you and hurt you.

But two people together can help each other to win the fight.

If you use three strings to make a rope, it is difficult for anyone to break it.

Have been used in marriage but means much more than just in a marriage.


The letter Qof (also spelled Kuf, or Khof) originally meant the back of the head, or the eye of a needle and which also means monkey.

It is the symbol of both the sacred Kedushahקדושה, and the profane – the Klipahקליפה , the peel, cover, or husk which represents the negativities in the world.

Qof has to do with the requirement of REMOVING the HUSK of the superficial to REVEAL the HOLINESS WITHIN.

In Hebrew, Qof means monkey, a creature which resembles a human but is purely animalistic, with none of the higher capacities of a human.

This indicates the requirement for a human to overcome his purely animalistic nature and to emulate the image of the CREATOR he is made in, to REALIZE his true SPIRITUAL NATURE beyond just the physical.

The Qof is the only letter which extends below the line of the other letters, indicating descent into the lower world, but also the ability to ascend from there.

Quf is alsoהקפה – circle, go around.

Qof represents all the CYCLES of nature, changing seasons,

monthly and yearly cycles.

It is the constant MOVEMENT, CIRCULATION, and CHANGE of LIFE.

It could also represent that through the cycles of life that we see – growth, change, suffering, happiness, life experience – we are constantly worked on in order to evolve and realize our true spiritual nature.

The paradoxical union symbolized by the two components of the qof is the secret of "There is none holy as G-d."

In general, the qof stands for kedushah, "holiness."

The unique level of holiness inherent to G-d is expressed, in the words of the Zohar, as: "He is grasped within all worlds, yet none grasps Him."

The descending zayin of the qof symbolizes His being grasped in all worlds, permeating even realms of reality "below the line," i.e., worlds antithetical to those in whom G-d's Presence is revealed.

The resh, G-d's ever-present transcendence, remains "separate" and holy (in Hebrew, "holy" means separate) in relation to His descending immanence.

Qof is a final line* (Kav) – an end (Kets) to a certain phase and/or a porthole of opportunities to a new way or a new elevation.

Qof enables things to come to their END so that NEW things will be able to GROW in their place, as in the “Cell Death Pathway”, without which, there is no space for new cells to be created, and, therefore, there is no regeneration of the organic body.

Qof, like the eye of the needle, enables only the suitable few to pass on through it to the HIGH and renewing “Silver Grid” of Resh, Shin, Tav

(Re-She-T is the Hebrew word, which is made up from the last 3 letters of the AlphaBet, meaning “grid”).

We cannot get rid of the animal instinct by our own evolution.

Change us from the physical to the spiritual.

Man trying to explain from an animal can become a human with compassion.

The letter Qof is related to standing steadfast against temptations and the lowering of standards.


When we acknowledgxe Jesus as our source, then we will become overcomers of this physical world.

Man tries to achieve this new nature by themselves.

Vav represents the number 6 and represents the six days of the creation of the world, as well as the six physical dimensions (right left, front and back, up and down).

Vav is the power to unite everything that is separated in creation.

Literally Vav means HOOK or PEG and the Hebrew letter is a vertical line ו .

It represents the Kav, the vertical line extension of the Creator’s perfection into the created world, in order to constantly direct it, guiding the cycle of existence step by step, until eventually the perfect Oneness of the Creator which underlies all of creation is revealed.

Vav is related to the Or Yashar, the direct light of the Creator, entering the world.

Vav is connecting everything from the Heavenly realm to the physical realm until everything is revealed.

Christ is in our lives.

As the CONNECTOR, Vav contains the POWER to CONNECT heaven and earth.

It can be considered like a hose, or a tube, which connects and bestows all the ENERGY of the SHEFA שפע ABUNDANCE from ABOVE DOWN to the created beings.

It represents the LADDER of Yaakov – rooted in earth, with its head in the heavens.

It is the EXTENSION of the essential dot YODי , which all of creation comes forth from.

Jesus is our connector now.

We connect back to the source through His word, through the Holy Spirit.

Blessings belong to us.

Abraham's blessings is ours.

In Biblical Hebrew, the letter vav also possesses the function of inverting the apparent tense of a verb to its opposite from PAST to FUTURE or from FUTURE to PAST (vavhahipuch).

The first appearance of this type of vav in the Torah is the letter vav, which begins the twenty-second word of the account of Creation, "And G-d said...."

This is the first explicit saying of the ten sayings of Creation: "And G d said [the verb 'said' being inverted from the future to the past tense by the vav at the beginning of the word- -'And’]: 'Let there be light,' and there was light."

The phenomenon of light breaking through the darkness of the tzimtzum, the primordial contraction, is itself the secret of time (future becoming past) which permeates space.

In the Divine service of a Jew, the power to DRAW from the FUTURE into the PAST is the secret of teshuvah ("repentance" and "returning to G-d") from love.

Through teshuvah from fear, one's deliberate transgressions become like errors; the severity of one's past transgressions becomes partially sweetened, but not completely changed.

However, when a Jew returns in love, his deliberate transgressions become like actual merits, for the very consciousness of distance from G-d resulting from one's transgressions becomes the motivating force to return to G-d with passion even greater than that of one who had never sinned.

Hey is the fifth letter of the Hebrew aleph-bet.

The name hey means to behold.

Hey also means breath, sigh, look, reveal and revelation from the idea of revealing a great sight by pointing it out.

Therefore, the letter hey is a picture of the RuachHaKodesh/Holy Spirit and the breath of God.


For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to GIVE you an EXPECTED END.

If we have a promise of God in our heart, then we can hope.

This hope is a hope with expectancy that He will do what He says.


But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength;

They shall mount up with wings like eagles,

They shall run and not be weary,

They shall walk and not faint.

My version of Isaiah 40:31 :-

Those who WAIT with EXPECTANCY (QAVAH) on the LORD have ALL aspects of their lives INTERTWINED and BOUND TOGETHER with THE LORD, HIS WILL and HIS WORD,

(until all that is from the earthly realm in them, that "husk" of the flesh is removed) and the HOLINESS within their NEW SPIRIT MAN is able to RISE ABOVE the CHALLENGES of this life like threads of a ROPE, (as if they had powerful wings like an eagle),

shall EXCHANGE their MEAGER human strength for the DIVINE strength of the ROPE,

The Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

being able to SEE things from GOD'S perspective through His SPIRIT and becoming ONE with HIM making wise choices and decisions in their WILL, THOUGHTS and ACTIONS.

We are bound to the Lord.


Come to me all of you who are tired.

You are like people who have worked for a long time.

You are like people who have carried heavy things.


If you do that, you will find a place to rest.


I am very kind and I do not make myself important.


THEN you will have peace in your mind.

I will not tell you to do things that are too difficult.

I will not tell you to carry anything that is too heavy for you.’

Jesus as the spirit.

Jesus as the Word.

We are just an instrument that Holy Spirit uses to lead others.

Let Him lead us.

We are here to deliver from Him to the people.

ROMANS 8:22-25 MSG

All around us we observe a pregnant creation.

The difficult times of pain throughout the world are simply birth pangs.

But it’s not only around us; it’s within us.

The SPIRIT of GOD is arousing us WITHIN.

We’re also feeling the birth pangs.

These sterile and barren bodies of ours are yearning for full deliverance.

ROMANS 8:22-25 MSG

That is why WAITING does not diminish us, any more than WAITING diminishes a pregnant mother.


We, of course, don’t see what is enlarging us.

But the LONGER we WAIT, the LARGER we BECOME, and the more joyful our EXPECTANCY.

We are like pregnant with the Word of God.

The longer we wait, the larger we become.

ROMANS 8:26-28 MSG

Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the WAITING,

GOD’S SPIRIT is right alongside helping us along.

If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter.

He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans.

He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God.

That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.


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