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Pastor Deborah


Peter replied, “Repent and return to God, and each one of

you must be baptized in the name of Jesus, the Anointed One,

to have your sins removed.

Then you may take hold of the GIFT of the HOLY SPIRIT.

WHAT are Spiritual Gifts?

Spiritual gifts are special abilities, talents, or capacities GIVEN to individual Christians by the HOLY SPIRIT

for the PURPOSE of SERVING GOD and OTHERS within the Christian community.

These gifts are NOT natural talents or skills but SUPERNATURAL endowments provided by God's grace.

They are meant to be USED to BUILD UP the BODY of CHRIST,

which is the community of believers.

A baby has a lot of natural talents, but if the baby don't grow up, it will not be able to use the talents

We are discovering what is this supernatural power

Witness is someone who live like Christ.

Fruits and gifts of the spirit

The origin of spiritual gifts can be traced back to the

HOLY SPIRIT'S work in the life of a believer. 

Acts 1:8 says: "But you will receive POWER when the

HOLY SPIRIT comes on you".


They are bestowed upon believers as a result of their faith in Jesus Christ and their connection to the body of believers.

Spiritual gifts are given for the PURPOSE of FULFILLING GOD'S MISSION and SERVING OTHERS.

In the spiritual, if your pastor cannot recognise your gifting, you will do things that is demand of you, and you cannot fulfil. You will be frustrated and burn out

Discovering our spiritual gifting is important


GIVEN by the HOLY SPIRIT to individual Christians within the Christian community.

These gifts have their origin in GOD'S GRACE and are meant to be USED for the EDIFICATION of the CHURCH and the FULFILLMENT of GOD'S PURPOSES.

We can find spiritual gifts listed in Scriptures, specificially 

- Romans 12:6-8, 

- 1 Corinthians 12:8-10; 28-30,

- Ephesians 4:11,

- 1 Peter 4:10-11


My fellow believers, I don’t want you to be confused about spiritual realities.


For you know full well that when you were unbelievers you were often led astray in one way or another by your worship of idols, which are incapable of talking with you.

Holy Spirit guides and lead us


Therefore, I want to impart to you an UNDERSTANDING of the following:

No one speaking by the Spirit of God would ever say,

“Jesus is the accursed one.”

No one can say, “Jesus is the Lord Yahweh,” unless the

HOLY SPIRIT is SPEAKING through him.


It is the SAME HOLY SPIRIT who continues to distribute many different varieties of GIFTS.

G5486 gifts

Original: χάρισμα

Transliteration: CHARISMA

Phonetic: khar'-is-mah

Thayer Definition:

- a favour with which one receives WITHOUT any MERIT of HIS OWN

- the gift of divine grace

- the gift of faith, knowledge, holiness, virtue

- the economy of divine grace, by which the pardon of sin and eternal salvation is appointed to sinners in consideration of the merits of Christ laid hold of by faith

-grace or gifts denoting extraordinary powers,

distinguishing certain Christians and ENABLING them to

SERVE the church of Christ, the reception of which is due to the

power of divine grace operating on their souls BY the HOLY SPIRIT

Strong's Definition: From G5483;

- a (divine) gratuity, that is, deliverance (from danger or passion);

- a (spiritual) endowment, that is, a miraculous faculty :- (free) gift.


But the MANIFESTATION of the SPIRIT is GIVEN to each one for the profit of ALL:

It is not to show what you have. These gifts can be manifested in every believers.


For example: The Spirit gives to one the gift of -

  1.   the WORD of WISDOM.

When Word of Wisdom manifest, the hearts will be unlocked.

These gifts will express wisdom of the holy spirit

Gift of Wisdom


The spiritual gift of wisdom is a special ability given by the Holy Spirit to individuals within the church.

Those with this gift have an extraordinary insight into God’s truth and His ways, enabling them to discern the best course of action in various situations and offer godly counsel.


Individuals with the gift of wisdom possess profound understanding and discernment, often demonstrating a deep reverence for God and His Word.

They have a unique ability to apply biblical principles to real-life circumstances, providing thoughtful and practical solutions to complex problems.

Example from Scripture:

In 1 Corinthians 12:8, Paul mentions wisdom as one of the spiritual gifts, emphasizing its significance in guiding the church.

When the Gift is Present in the Church:

When the gift of wisdom is present in the church,

it contributes to its spiritual maturity and unity.

Those with this gift play a crucial role in providing sound guidance and resolving conflicts with biblical insight.

When the Gift is Absent in the Church:

In the absence of the gift of wisdom, the church may encounter challenges in making decisions and navigating complex issues, potentially leading to confusion and disunity.

What It Looked Like in the Life of Jesus:

Jesus demonstrated the gift of wisdom throughout His earthly ministry.

His teachings were filled with divine wisdom, and He often responded to challenging questions with profound insights, silencing His critics.

Practical Ways to Implement and Develop the Spiritual Gift:

Deepen Your Relationship with God: 

Cultivate intimacy with God through prayer, worship, and studying His Word, allowing His wisdom to shape your thoughts and actions.

Seek Wise Counsel: 

Surround yourself with mature believers who exhibit wisdom, and learn from their experiences and godly advice.

Apply Biblical Principles: 

Regularly apply biblical principles to real-life situations, seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit in your decision-making.

Seek guidance from Holy Spirit

Is wisdom the same as intelligence or knowledge? –

No, while intelligence and knowledge involve mental capacities, wisdom encompasses the ABILITY to APPLY KNOWLEDGE and discern the best course of action.

Can individuals with the gift of wisdom make mistakes or be fallible? – Yes, individuals with the gift of wisdom, like all believers,

are human and can make errors.

However, the gift allows them to offer godly counsel and insights in many situations.

Ways to Grow in the Gift of the Word of Wisdom:

Stay Humble: 

Recognize that wisdom is a gift from God and remain open to learning and growing in your understanding.

Pray for Wisdom: 

Regularly ask God to grant you wisdom in various areas of life and ministry.

Use Wisdom to Serve: 

Seek opportunities to use your gift of wisdom to counsel and guide others, always seeking God’s leading in your advice.

The spiritual gift of wisdom is a valuable asset within the church, providing guidance, counsel, and discernment in various circumstances.

By relying on God’s Word and seeking the leading of the Holy Spirit, those with this gift contribute significantly to the spiritual growth and well-being of the body of Christ.

To another, the same Spirit gives the gift of -


Word of Knowledge


The spiritual gift of the word of knowledge is a special ability given by the Holy Spirit to individuals within the church.

Those with this gift receive divine insights and understanding about people, situations, or the mysteries of God’s will,

which they could not have known through natural means.


Individuals with the gift of the word of knowledge are conduits of supernatural wisdom.

They receive REVELATION from God, allowing them to speak with ACCURACY and CLARITY about SPECIFIC DETAILS or HIDDEN TRUTHS.

Example from Scripture:

In Acts 5:1-11, the apostle Peter demonstrated the word of knowledge when he knew by divine insight that Ananias and Sapphira had lied about their offering to the church.

When the Gift is Present in the Church:

When the gift of the word of knowledge is present in the church, it brings illumination and revelation to specific situations or challenges.

This gift enriches teaching, counseling, and decision-making processes with divine insights.

When the Gift is Absent in the Church:

In the absence of the word of knowledge, the church may rely solely on human understanding and miss out on God’s specific guidance and revelation.

What It Looked Like in the Life of Jesus:

Jesus often demonstrated the word of knowledge during His earthly ministry.

One notable example is found in John 1:47-50, where Jesus knew Nathanael’s character and background before meeting him.

Practical Ways to Develop the Spiritual Gift of the Word of Knowledge:

Deepen Your Relationship with God: 

Foster INTIMACY with GOD through prayer and meditation on His Word, allowing Him to reveal insights to you.

Submit to GOD’S TIMING: 

Be PATIENT and WILLING to receive revelations when God chooses to give them, trusting in His perfect timing.

These are fruits of the spirit

Examples from Church History:

Smith Wigglesworth (1859-1947) – A prominent figure in the early Pentecostal movement, Smith was known for prophetic words of knowledge and healing ministry.

St. Catherine of Siena (1347-1380) – A Catholic saint and mystic, St. Catherine received divine revelations and visions, which she shared with others.

Discernment and Humility: 

Seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance to distinguish between human knowledge and divine insights, and approach the exercise of this gift with humility.

Can the word of knowledge be misused or misunderstood? –

Yes, like any spiritual gift, the word of knowledge should be exercised with discernment and according to biblical principles.

Is the word of knowledge always about future events? 

No, the word of knowledge can also pertain to present circumstances, past events, or insights into people’s lives.

Ways to Grow in the Gift:

Develop Discernment: 

Seek to distinguish between God’s revelation and human thoughts through the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

Practice Active Listening: 

Be attentive to God’s promptings and revelations during prayer and study of His Word.

Step Out in Faith: 

Trust God’s insights and share them with humility,

seeking confirmation when appropriate.

Does not matter if you make mistake, be humble

The spiritual gift of the word of knowledge is a valuable

tool for edifying and guiding the church.

By seeking God’s wisdom and exercising this gift in alignment with His will, individuals can bring forth divine insights that strengthen believers’ faith and understanding.


And to another, the same Spirit gives the gift of -

  3.   FAITH.

Gift of FAITH

The spiritual gift of faith is a special ability given by the Holy Spirit to individuals within the church.

Those with this gift demonstrate confidence and trust in God’s promises and His ability to work beyond human limitations,

even in the face of challenging circumstances.


Individuals with the gift of faith have a profound assurance in God’s character and His faithfulness.

They inspire and encourage others by their strong belief in God’s power and His ability to intervene in miraculous ways.

Example from Scripture:

In Hebrews 11, often referred to as the “Hall of Faith,” numerous individuals showcased their unwavering trust in God’s promises, including Noah building the ark, Abraham obeying God’s call, and Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt.

When the Gift is Present in the Church:

When the gift of faith is present in the church, it bolsters the community’s confidence in God’s sovereignty and His plans.

Those with this gift UPLIFT and STRENGTHEN others’ FAITH, leading to a greater reliance on God’s guidance and provision.

A practise in our lives that we want to believe God

When the Gift is Absent in the Church:

In the absence of the gift of faith, the church may struggle with doubt and fear when facing challenges.

There may be a tendency to rely more on human reasoning rather than God’s promises.

What It Looked Like in the Life of Jesus:

Jesus displayed the gift of faith throughout His earthly ministry.

He performed numerous miracles, demonstrating His COMPLETE TRUST in the FATHER'S WILL and POWER to bring about supernatural transformations.

Practical Ways to Develop the Spiritual Gift:

Studying God’s Promises: 

Immerse yourself in the Scriptures to deepen your understanding of God’s character and His faithfulness throughout history.

Prayer and Devotion: 

Cultivate a consistent prayer life, seeking God’s guidance and developing a deeper connection with Him.

Testimonies of Faith: 

Listen to and share testimonies of God’s faithfulness in the lives of others, building your faith and encouraging fellow believers.

Build faith by sharing. Recognise is supernatural, recognise is God

Listen to other people's testimonies

Examples from Church History:

Martin Luther (1483-1546) – As a central figure in the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther’s faith in God’s grace and his unwavering commitment to Scripture led to significant transformations in the Church.

Contemporary Examples:

Corrie ten Boom (1892-1983) – A Dutch Christian, Holocaust survivor, and author, Corrie’s strong faith in God sustained her through the darkest times, inspiring many with her message of forgiveness and hope.

Billy Graham (1918-2018) – A renowned evangelist, Billy Graham’s faith in Christ impacted millions worldwide, as he fearlessly proclaimed the gospel message.

Is the gift of faith the same as saving faith?

No, the spiritual gift of faith is a specific empowerment to trust God’s promises and believe for the miraculous,

while saving faith refers to the personal acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Can someone have the gift of faith and still face doubt? 

Yes, individuals with the gift of faith may experience doubt at times, but their foundational trust in God remains steadfast.

Ways to Grow in the Gift:

Step Out in Faith: 

Look for opportunities to exercise your faith, trusting God’s leading in various aspects of life.

Community of Believers: 

Surround yourself with a supportive community of believers who can pray with you and encourage your faith journey.

Practice Gratitude: 

Cultivate a heart of gratitude for God’s past faithfulness, knowing He will continue to be faithful in the future.

The spiritual gift of faith is a powerful asset in the life

of a believer and the church.

Through this gift, individuals inspire others to walk boldly in faith, believing in God’s promises and experiencing His miraculous work in their lives.

And to another, the same Spirit gives gifts of -

   4.   HEALING.

Gift of Healing


The spiritual gift of healing is a special ability given by the Holy Spirit to individuals within the church.

Those with this gift are instruments of God’s healing power, restoring physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through prayer and faith.


Individuals with the gift of healing exhibit a deep sense of compassion for the suffering and a strong belief in God’s ability to bring forth restoration and wholeness.

They pray for the sick and brokenhearted, trusting in God’s divine intervention.

Example from Scripture:

In Mark 16:17-18, Jesus promised that believers would lay hands on the sick, and they would recover.

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus healed various illnesses, showing the significance of this gift in His ministry.

When the Gift is Present in the Church:

When the gift of healing is present in the church,

it brings hope and encouragement to those facing physical or emotional challenges.

Those with this gift inspire faith and trust in God’s miraculous power to heal.

The pastor believe in divine healing

When the Gift is Absent in the Church:

In the absence of the gift of healing, the church may rely solely on medical means and overlook the supernatural healing power of God.

The absence of this gift may lead to missed opportunities for witnessing God’s miraculous work.

What It Looked Like in the Life of Jesus:

Jesus exemplified the gift of healing throughout His ministry. He healed the blind, the lame, the deaf, and the sick, demonstrating His authority over all forms of affliction.

Practical Ways to Develop the Spiritual Gift of Healing:

Prayer and Intimacy with God: 

Cultivate a close relationship with God through prayer and spend time in His presence to understand His heart for healing.

Study God’s Healing in Scripture: 

Examine the accounts of healing in the Bible to gain insight into God’s approach to healing the broken.

Seek Opportunities for Prayer: 

Pray for the sick and those in need, trusting in God’s sovereignty and His desire to bring healing.

Examples from Church History:

Reinhard Bonnke (1940-2019) – A German evangelist and missionary, Bonnke witnessed numerous miraculous healings in his evangelistic crusades across Africa.

Joan Hunter (b. 1951) – A Christian minister and author, Joan has a ministry focused on healing and the supernatural power of God.

You can feel the heart and the love of Jesus

Do all individuals with the gift of healing have the same level of success? –

Healing is ultimately at God’s discretion, and while individuals may have the gift of healing, the results are determined by God’s will.

Healing is ultimately at God’s discretion, and while individuals may have the gift of healing, the results are determined by God’s will.

Can healing occur through medical means and the gift of healing simultaneously? –

Yes, God can work through both medical treatments and the spiritual gift of healing to bring about restoration.

Ways to Grow in the Spiritual Gift of Healing:

Grow in Compassion: Cultivate a heart of empathy and compassion for the suffering of others.

Seek Wisdom and Discernment: 

Ask God for wisdom and discernment to know when and how to pray for healing.

Strengthen Your Faith: 

Trust in God’s sovereignty and power, believing that He can bring healing according to His will.

The spiritual gift of healing is a manifestation of

GOD’S LOVE and COMPASSION, bringing restoration to the broken and afflicted.

By exercising this gift with humility and faith, individuals become vessels through which God’s healing power flows, providing hope and comfort to those in need.



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